<?php /** * GitlabCommitsBridge * * @name GitlabCommits Bridge * @description Returns the commits of a project hosted on a gitlab instance */ class GitlabCommitsBridge extends BridgeAbstract{ public function loadMetadatas() { $this->maintainer = 'Pierre Mazière'; $this->name = 'Gitlab Commits'; $this->uri = ''; $this->description = 'Returns the commits of a project hosted on a gitlab instance'; $this->update = '2016-08-17'; $this->parameters[] = '[ { "name" : "Base URI", "identifier" : "uri" }, { "name" : "User name", "identifier" : "u" }, { "name" : "Project name", "identifier" : "p" }, { "name" : "Project branch", "identifier" : "b" } ]'; } public function collectData(array $param){ $uri = $param['uri'].'/'.$param['u'].'/'.$param['p'].'/commits/'; if(isset($param['b'])){ $uri.=$param['b']; }else{ $uri.='master'; } $html = $this->getSimpleHTMLDOM($uri) or $this->returnServerError('No results for Gitlab Commits of project '.$param['uri'].'/'.$param['u'].'/'.$param['p']); foreach($html->find('li.commit') as $commit){ $item = new \Item(); $item->uri=$param['uri']; foreach($commit->getElementsByTagName('a') as $a){ $classes=explode(' ',$a->getAttribute("class")); if(in_array('commit-short-id',$classes) || in_array('commit_short_id',$classes)){ $href=$a->getAttribute('href'); $item->uri.=substr($href,strpos($href,'/'.$param['u'].'/'.$param['p'])); } if(in_array('commit-row-message',$classes)){ $item->title=$a->plaintext; } if(in_array('commit-author-link',$classes)){ $item->author=trim($a->plaintext); } } $pre=$commit->find('pre',0); if($pre){ $item->content=$pre->outertext; }else{ $item->content=''; } $item->timestamp=strtotime($commit->find('time',0)->getAttribute('datetime')); $this->items[]=$item; } } }