<?php class TwitterBridge extends BridgeAbstract{ const NAME='Twitter Bridge'; const URI='https://twitter.com/'; const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 300; // 5min const DESCRIPTION='returns tweets'; const PARAMETERS=array( 'global'=>array( 'nopic'=>array( 'name'=>'Hide profile pictures', 'type'=>'checkbox', 'title'=>'Activate to hide profile pictures in content' ) ), 'By keyword or hashtag' => array( 'q'=>array( 'name'=>'Keyword or #hashtag', 'required'=>true, 'exampleValue'=>'rss-bridge, #rss-bridge', 'title'=>'Insert a keyword or hashtag' ) ), 'By username' => array( 'u'=>array( 'name'=>'username', 'required'=>true, 'exampleValue'=>'sebsauvage', 'title'=>'Insert a user name' ), 'norep'=>array( 'name'=>'Without replies', 'type'=>'checkbox', 'title'=>'Only return initial tweets' ) ) ); public function getName(){ switch($this->queriedContext){ case 'By keyword or hashtag': $specific='search '; $param='q'; break; case 'By username': $specific='@'; $param='u'; break; } return 'Twitter '.$specific.$this->getInput($param); } public function getURI(){ switch($this->queriedContext){ case 'By keyword or hashtag': return self::URI.'search?q='.urlencode($this->getInput('q')).'&f=tweets'; case 'By username': return self::URI.urlencode($this->getInput('u')). ($this->getInput('norep')?'':'/with_replies'); } } public function collectData(){ $html = ''; $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI()); if(!$html){ switch($this->queriedContext){ case 'By keyword or hashtag': returnServerError('No results for this query.'); case 'By username': returnServerError('Requested username can\'t be found.'); } } $hidePictures = $this->getInput('nopic'); foreach($html->find('div.js-stream-tweet') as $tweet) { $item = array(); // extract username and sanitize $item['username'] = $tweet->getAttribute('data-screen-name'); // extract fullname (pseudonym) $item['fullname'] = $tweet->getAttribute('data-name'); // get author $item['author'] = $item['fullname'] . ' (@' . $item['username'] . ')'; // get avatar link $item['avatar'] = $tweet->find('img', 0)->src; // get TweetID $item['id'] = $tweet->getAttribute('data-tweet-id'); // get tweet link $item['uri'] = self::URI.$tweet->find('a.js-permalink', 0)->getAttribute('href'); // extract tweet timestamp $item['timestamp'] = $tweet->find('span.js-short-timestamp', 0)->getAttribute('data-time'); // generate the title $item['title'] = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($tweet->find('p.js-tweet-text', 0)->innertext,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')); // processing content links foreach($tweet->find('a') as $link) { if($link->hasAttribute('data-expanded-url') ) { $link->href = $link->getAttribute('data-expanded-url'); } $link->removeAttribute('data-expanded-url'); $link->removeAttribute('data-query-source'); $link->removeAttribute('rel'); $link->removeAttribute('class'); $link->removeAttribute('target'); $link->removeAttribute('title'); } // process emojis (reduce size) foreach($tweet->find('img.Emoji') as $img){ $img->style .= ' height: 1em;'; } // get tweet text $cleanedTweet = str_replace('href="/', 'href="'.self::URI, $tweet->find('p.js-tweet-text', 0)->innertext); // Add picture to content $picture_html = ''; if(!$hidePictures){ $picture_html = <<<EOD <a href="https://twitter.com/{$item['username']}"><img style="align: top; width:75 px; border: 1px solid black;" alt="{$item['username']}" src="{$item['avatar']}" title="{$item['fullname']}" /></a> EOD; } // add content $item['content'] = <<<EOD <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;"> {$picture_html} </div> <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;"> <blockquote>{$cleanedTweet}</blockquote> </div> EOD; // put out $this->items[] = $item; } } }