<?php class Configuration { public static $VERSION = 'dev.2018-09-09'; public static $config = null; public static function verifyInstallation() { // Check PHP version if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, PHP_VERSION_REQUIRED) === -1) die('RSS-Bridge requires at least PHP version ' . PHP_VERSION_REQUIRED . '!'); // extensions check if(!extension_loaded('openssl')) die('"openssl" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"'); if(!extension_loaded('libxml')) die('"libxml" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"'); if(!extension_loaded('mbstring')) die('"mbstring" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"'); if(!extension_loaded('simplexml')) die('"simplexml" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"'); if(!extension_loaded('curl')) die('"curl" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"'); if(!extension_loaded('json')) die('"json" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"'); // Check cache folder permissions (write permissions required) if(!is_writable(CACHE_DIR)) die('RSS-Bridge does not have write permissions for ' . CACHE_DIR . '!'); // Check whitelist file permissions (only in DEBUG mode) if(!file_exists(WHITELIST_FILE) && !is_writable(dirname(WHITELIST_FILE))) die('RSS-Bridge does not have write permissions for ' . WHITELIST_FILE . '!'); } public static function loadConfiguration() { if(!file_exists('config.default.ini.php')) die('The default configuration file "config.default.ini.php" is missing!'); Configuration::$config = parse_ini_file('config.default.ini.php', true, INI_SCANNER_TYPED); if(!Configuration::$config) die('Error parsing config.default.ini.php'); if(file_exists('config.ini.php')) { // Replace default configuration with custom settings foreach(parse_ini_file('config.ini.php', true, INI_SCANNER_TYPED) as $header => $section) { foreach($section as $key => $value) { // Skip unknown sections and keys if(array_key_exists($header, Configuration::$config) && array_key_exists($key, Configuration::$config[$header])) { Configuration::$config[$header][$key] = $value; } } } } if(!is_string(self::getConfig('proxy', 'url'))) die('Parameter [proxy] => "url" is not a valid string! Please check "config.ini.php"!'); if(!empty(self::getConfig('proxy', 'url'))) define('PROXY_URL', self::getConfig('proxy', 'url')); if(!is_bool(self::getConfig('proxy', 'by_bridge'))) die('Parameter [proxy] => "by_bridge" is not a valid Boolean! Please check "config.ini.php"!'); define('PROXY_BYBRIDGE', self::getConfig('proxy', 'by_bridge')); if(!is_string(self::getConfig('proxy', 'name'))) die('Parameter [proxy] => "name" is not a valid string! Please check "config.ini.php"!'); define('PROXY_NAME', self::getConfig('proxy', 'name')); if(!is_bool(self::getConfig('cache', 'custom_timeout'))) die('Parameter [cache] => "custom_timeout" is not a valid Boolean! Please check "config.ini.php"!'); define('CUSTOM_CACHE_TIMEOUT', self::getConfig('cache', 'custom_timeout')); if(!is_bool(self::getConfig('authentication', 'enable'))) die('Parameter [authentication] => "enable" is not a valid Boolean! Please check "config.ini.php"!'); if(!is_string(self::getConfig('authentication', 'username'))) die('Parameter [authentication] => "username" is not a valid string! Please check "config.ini.php"!'); if(!is_string(self::getConfig('authentication', 'password'))) die('Parameter [authentication] => "password" is not a valid string! Please check "config.ini.php"!'); } public static function getConfig($category, $key) { if(array_key_exists($category, self::$config) && array_key_exists($key, self::$config[$category])) { return self::$config[$category][$key]; } return null; } public static function getVersion() { $headFile = '.git/HEAD'; if(file_exists($headFile)) { $revisionHashFile = '.git/' . substr(file_get_contents($headFile), 5, -1); $branchName = explode('/', $revisionHashFile)[3]; if(file_exists($revisionHashFile)) { return 'git.' . $branchName . '.' . substr(file_get_contents($revisionHashFile), 0, 7); } } return Configuration::$VERSION; } }