class FreeCodeCampBridge extends FeedExpander {

	const MAINTAINER = 'IceWreck';
	const NAME = 'FreeCodecamp Bridge';
	const URI = 'https://www.freecodecamp.org';
	const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600;
	const DESCRIPTION = 'RSS feed for FreeCodeCamp';
	// Freecodecamp removed their old full content rss feed and replaced it with one liner content.

	public function collectData(){
		$this->collectExpandableDatas('https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/rss/', 15);

	protected function parseItem($newsItem){
		$item = parent::parseItem($newsItem);
		// $articlePage gets the entire page's contents
		$articlePage = getSimpleHTMLDOM($newsItem->link);
		// figure contain's the main article image
		$article = $articlePage->find('figure', 0);
		// the actual article
		foreach($articlePage->find('.post-full-content') as $element)
			$article = $article . $element;
		$item['content'] = $article;
		return $item;