array( 'name' => 'Order by', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'Breach date' => 'breachDate', 'Date added to HIBP' => 'dateAdded', ), 'defaultValue' => 'dateAdded', ) )); const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600; private $breachDateRegex = '/Breach date: ([0-9]{1,2} [A-Z-a-z]+ [0-9]{4})/'; private $dateAddedRegex = '/Date added to HIBP: ([0-9]{1,2} [A-Z-a-z]+ [0-9]{4})/'; private $accountsRegex = '/Compromised accounts: ([0-9,]+)/'; private $breaches = array(); public function collectData() { $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . '/PwnedWebsites') or returnServerError('Could not request: ' . self::URI . '/PwnedWebsites'); $breaches = array(); foreach($html->find('div.row') as $breach) { $item = array(); if ($breach->class != 'row') { continue; } preg_match($this->breachDateRegex, $breach->find('p', 1)->plaintext, $breachDate) or returnServerError('Could not extract details'); preg_match($this->dateAddedRegex, $breach->find('p', 1)->plaintext, $dateAdded) or returnServerError('Could not extract details'); preg_match($this->accountsRegex, $breach->find('p', 1)->plaintext, $accounts) or returnServerError('Could not extract details'); $permalink = $breach->find('p', 1)->find('a', 0)->href; // Remove permalink $breach->find('p', 1)->find('a', 0)->outertext = ''; $item['title'] = $breach->find('h3', 0)->plaintext . ' - ' . $accounts[1] . ' breached accounts'; $item['dateAdded'] = strtotime($dateAdded[1]); $item['breachDate'] = strtotime($breachDate[1]); $item['uri'] = self::URI . '/PwnedWebsites' . $permalink; $item['content'] = '

' . $breach->find('p', 0)->innertext . '

'; $item['content'] .= '

' . $breach->find('p', 1)->innertext . '

'; $this->breaches[] = $item; } $this->orderBreaches(); $this->createItems(); } /** * Order Breaches by date added or date breached */ private function orderBreaches() { $sortBy = $this->getInput('order'); $sort = array(); foreach ($this->breaches as $key => $item) { $sort[$key] = $item[$sortBy]; } array_multisort($sort, SORT_DESC, $this->breaches); } /** * Create items from breaches array */ private function createItems() { foreach ($this->breaches as $breach) { $item = array(); $item['title'] = $breach['title']; $item['timestamp'] = $breach[$this->getInput('order')]; $item['uri'] = $breach['uri']; $item['content'] = $breach['content']; $this->items[] = $item; } } }