isPrepareCache(); $datas = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->getCacheFile())); return $datas; } public function saveData($datas){ $this->isPrepareCache(); $writeStream = file_put_contents($this->getCacheFile(), serialize($datas)); if(!$writeStream) { throw new \Exception("Cannot write the cache... Do you have the right permissions ?"); } return $this; } public function getTime(){ $this->isPrepareCache(); $cacheFile = $this->getCacheFile(); if(file_exists($cacheFile)){ return filemtime($cacheFile); } return false; } public function purgeCache(){ $cacheTimeLimit = time() - 86400; // 86400 -> 24h $cachePath = $this->getCachePath(); if(file_exists($cachePath)){ $cacheIterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($cachePath), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST ); foreach($cacheIterator as $cacheFile){ if(in_array($cacheFile->getBasename(), array('.', '..'))) continue; elseif($cacheFile->isFile()){ if(filemtime($cacheFile->getPathname()) < $cacheTimeLimit) unlink($cacheFile->getPathname()); } } } } /** * Set HTTP GET parameters * @return self */ public function setParameters(array $param){ $this->param = $param; return $this; } /** * Cache is prepared ? * Note : Cache name is based on request information, then cache must be prepare before use * @return \Exception|true */ protected function isPrepareCache(){ if(is_null($this->param)){ throw new \Exception('Please feed "setParameters" method before try to load'); } return true; } /** * Return cache path (and create if not exist) * @return string Cache path */ protected function getCachePath(){ $cacheDir = __DIR__ . '/../cache/'; // FIXME : configuration ? if(!is_dir($cacheDir)){ mkdir($cacheDir, 0755, true); chmod($cacheDir, 0755); } return $cacheDir; } /** * Get the file name use for cache store * @return string Path to the file cache */ protected function getCacheFile(){ return $this->getCachePath() . $this->getCacheName(); } /** * Determines file name for store the cache * return string */ protected function getCacheName(){ $this->isPrepareCache(); return hash('sha1', http_build_query($this->param)) . '.cache'; } }