<?php class AppleAppStoreBridge extends BridgeAbstract { const MAINTAINER = 'captn3m0'; const NAME = 'Apple App Store'; const URI = 'https://apps.apple.com/'; const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600; // 1h const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns version updates for a specific application'; const PARAMETERS = array(array( 'id' => array( 'name' => 'Application ID', 'required' => true, 'exampleValue' => '310633997' ), 'p' => array( 'name' => 'Platform', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'iPad' => 'ipad', 'iPhone' => 'iphone', 'Mac' => 'mac', // The following 2 are present in responses // but not yet tested 'Web' => 'web', 'Apple TV' => 'appletv', ), 'defaultValue' => 'iphone', ), 'country' => array( 'name' => 'Store Country', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'US' => 'US', 'India' => 'IN', 'Canada' => 'CA' ), 'defaultValue' => 'US', ), )); const PLATFORM_MAPPING = array( 'iphone' => 'ios', 'ipad' => 'ios', ); private function makeHtmlUrl($id, $country){ return 'https://apps.apple.com/' . $country . '/app/id' . $id; } private function makeJsonUrl($id, $platform, $country){ return "https://amp-api.apps.apple.com/v1/catalog/$country/apps/$id?platform=$platform&extend=versionHistory"; } public function getName(){ if (isset($this->name)) { return $this->name . ' - AppStore Updates'; } return parent::getName(); } /** * In case of some platforms, the data is present in the initial response */ private function getDataFromShoebox($id, $platform, $country){ $uri = $this->makeHtmlUrl($id, $country); $html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($uri, 3600); $script = $html->find('script[id="shoebox-ember-data-store"]', 0); $json = json_decode($script->innertext, true); return $json['data']; } private function getJWTToken($id, $platform, $country){ $uri = $this->makeHtmlUrl($id, $country); $html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($uri, 3600); $meta = $html->find('meta[name="web-experience-app/config/environment"]', 0); $json = urldecode($meta->content); $json = json_decode($json); return $json->MEDIA_API->token; } private function getAppData($id, $platform, $country, $token){ $uri = $this->makeJsonUrl($id, $platform, $country); $headers = array( "Authorization: Bearer $token", ); $json = json_decode(getContents($uri, $headers), true); return $json['data'][0]; } /** * Parses the version history from the data received * @return array list of versions with details on each element */ private function getVersionHistory($data, $platform){ switch($platform) { case 'mac': return $data['relationships']['platforms']['data'][0]['attributes']['versionHistory']; default: $os = self::PLATFORM_MAPPING[$platform]; return $data['attributes']['platformAttributes'][$os]['versionHistory']; } } public function collectData() { $id = $this->getInput('id'); $country = $this->getInput('country'); $platform = $this->getInput('p'); switch ($platform) { case 'mac': $data = $this->getDataFromShoebox($id, $platform, $country); break; default: $token = $this->getJWTToken($id, $platform, $country); $data = $this->getAppData($id, $platform, $country, $token); } $versionHistory = $this->getVersionHistory($data, $platform); $name = $this->name = $data['attributes']['name']; $author = $data['attributes']['artistName']; foreach ($versionHistory as $row) { $item = array(); $item['content'] = nl2br($row['releaseNotes']); $item['title'] = $name . ' - ' . $row['versionDisplay']; $item['timestamp'] = $row['releaseDate']; $item['author'] = $author; $item['uri'] = $this->makeHtmlUrl($id, $country); $this->items[] = $item; } } }