'OK', 201 => 'Created', 202 => 'Accepted', 300 => 'Multiple Choices', 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Moved Temporarily', 307 => 'Temporary Redirect', 310 => 'Too many Redirects', 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 405 => 'Method Not', 406 => 'Not Acceptable', 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'Request Time-out', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'Length Required', 412 => 'Precondition Failed', 413 => 'Request Entity Too Large', 414 => 'Request-URI Too Long', 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'Requested range unsatisfiable', 417 => 'Expectation failed', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Time-out', 508 => 'Loop detected', ); } } /** * Returns an URL that automatically populates a new issue on GitHub based * on the information provided * * @param $title string Sets the title of the issue * @param $body string Sets the body of the issue (GitHub markdown applies) * @param $labels mixed (optional) Specifies labels to add to the issue * @param $maintainer string (optional) Specifies the maintainer for the issue. * The maintainer only applies if part of the development team! * @return string Returns a qualified URL to a new issue with populated conent. * Returns null if title or body is null or empty */ function buildGitHubIssueQuery($title, $body, $labels = null, $maintainer = null){ if(!isset($title) || !isset($body) || empty($title) || empty($body)) { return null; } // Add title and body $uri = 'https://github.com/rss-bridge/rss-bridge/issues/new?title=' . urlencode($title) . '&body=' . urlencode($body); // Add labels if(!is_null($labels) && is_array($labels) && count($labels) > 0) { if(count($lables) === 1) { $uri .= '&labels=' . urlencode($labels[0]); } else { foreach($labels as $label) { $uri .= '&labels[]=' . urlencode($label); } } } elseif(!is_null($labels) && is_string($labels)) { $uri .= '&labels=' . urlencode($labels); } // Add maintainer if(!empty($maintainer)) { $uri .= '&assignee=' . urlencode($maintainer); } return $uri; } /** * Returns the exception message as HTML string * * @param $e Exception The exception to show * @param $bridge object The bridge object * @return string Returns the exception as HTML string. Returns null if the * provided parameter are invalid */ function buildBridgeException($e, $bridge){ if(!($e instanceof \Exception) || !($bridge instanceof \BridgeInterface)) { return null; } $title = $bridge->getName() . ' failed with error ' . $e->getCode(); // Build a GitHub compatible message $body = 'Error message: `' . $e->getMessage() . "`\nQuery string: `" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '`'; $link = buildGitHubIssueQuery($title, $body, 'bug report', $bridge->getMaintainer()); $header = buildHeader($e, $bridge); $message = "{$bridge->getName()} was unable to receive or process the remote website's content!"; $section = buildSection($e, $bridge, $message, $link); return buildPage($title, $header, $section); } /** * Returns the exception message as HTML string * * @param $e Exception The exception to show * @param $bridge object The bridge object * @return string Returns the exception as HTML string. Returns null if the * provided parameter are invalid */ function buildTransformException($e, $bridge){ if(!($e instanceof \Exception) || !($bridge instanceof \BridgeInterface)) { return null; } $title = $bridge->getName() . ' failed with error ' . $e->getCode(); // Build a GitHub compatible message $body = 'Error message: `' . $e->getMessage() . "`\nQuery string: `" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '`'; $link = buildGitHubIssueQuery($title, $body, 'bug report', $bridge->getMaintainer()); $header = buildHeader($e, $bridge); $message = "RSS-Bridge was unable to transform the contents returned by {$bridge->getName()}!"; $section = buildSection($e, $bridge, $message, $link); return buildPage($title, $header, $section); } function buildHeader($e, $bridge){ return <<

Error {$e->getCode()}



EOD; } function buildSection($e, $bridge, $message, $link){ return <<


  • Press Return to check your input parameters
  • Press F5 to retry
  • Open a GitHub Issue if this error persists


EOD; } function buildPage($title, $header, $section){ return << {$title} {$header} {$section} EOD; }