<?php class ZDNetBridge extends BridgeAbstract { const MAINTAINER = 'ORelio'; const NAME = 'ZDNet Bridge'; const URI = 'http://www.zdnet.com/'; const DESCRIPTION = 'Technology News, Analysis, Comments and Product Reviews for IT Professionals.'; //http://www.zdnet.com/zdnet.opml const PARAMETERS = array( array( 'feed' => array( 'name' => 'Feed', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'Subscribe to ZDNet RSS Feeds' => array( 'All Blogs' => 'blog', 'Just News' => 'news', 'All Reviews' => 'topic/reviews', 'Latest Downloads' => 'downloads!recent', 'Latest Articles' => '/', 'Latest Australia Articles' => 'au', 'Latest UK Articles' => 'uk', 'Latest US Articles' => 'us', 'Latest Asia Articles' => 'as' ), 'Keep up with ZDNet Blogs RSS:' => array( 'Transforming the Datacenter' => 'blog/transforming-datacenter', 'SMB India' => 'blog/smb-india', 'Indonesia BizTech' => 'blog/indonesia-biztech', 'Hong Kong Techie' => 'blog/hong-kong-techie', 'Tech Taiwan' => 'blog/tech-taiwan', 'Startup India' => 'blog/startup-india', 'Starting Up Asia' => 'blog/starting-up-asia', 'Next-Gen Partner' => 'blog/partner', 'Post-PC Developments' => 'blog/post-pc', 'Benelux' => 'blog/benelux', 'Heat Sink' => 'blog/heat-sink', 'Italy\'s got tech' => 'blog/italy', 'African Enterprise' => 'blog/african-enterprise', 'New Tech for Old India' => 'blog/new-india', 'Estonia Uncovered' => 'blog/estonia', 'IT Iberia' => 'blog/iberia', 'Brazil Tech' => 'blog/brazil', '500 words into the future' => 'blog/500-words-into-the-future', 'ÜberTech' => 'blog/ubertech', 'All About Microsoft' => 'blog/microsoft', 'Back office' => 'blog/back-office', 'Barker Bites Back' => 'blog/barker-bites-back', 'Between the Lines' => 'blog/btl', 'Big on Data' => 'blog/big-data', 'bootstrappr' => 'blog/bootstrappr', 'By The Way' => 'blog/by-the-way', 'Central European Processing' => 'blog/central-europe', 'Cloud Builders' => 'blog/cloud-builders', 'Communication Breakdown' => 'blog/communication-breakdown', 'Collaboration 2.0' => 'blog/collaboration', 'Constellation Research' => 'blog/constellation', 'Consumerization: BYOD' => 'blog/consumerization', 'DIY-IT' => 'blog/diy-it', 'Enterprise Web 2.0' => 'blog/hinchcliffe', 'Five Nines: The Next Gen Datacenter' => 'blog/datacenter', 'Forrester Research' => 'blog/forrester', 'Full Duplex' => 'blog/full-duplex', 'Gen Why?' => 'blog/gen-why', 'Hardware 2.0' => 'blog/hardware', 'Identity Matters' => 'blog/identity', 'iGeneration' => 'blog/igeneration', 'Internet of Everything' => 'blog/cisco', 'Beyond IT Failure' => 'blog/projectfailures', 'Jamie\'s Mostly Linux Stuff' => 'blog/jamies-mostly-linux-stuff', 'Jack\'s Blog' => 'blog/jacks-blog', 'Laptops & Desktops' => 'blog/computers', 'Linux and Open Source' => 'blog/open-source', 'London Calling' => 'blog/london', 'Mapping Babel' => 'blog/mapping-babel', 'Mixed Signals' => 'blog/mixed-signals', 'Mobile India' => 'blog/mobile-india', 'Mobile News' => 'blog/mobile-news', 'Networking' => 'blog/networking', 'Norse Code' => 'blog/norse-code', 'Null Pointer' => 'blog/null-pointer', 'The Full Tilt' => 'blog/the-full-tilt', 'Pinoy Post' => 'blog/pinoy-post', 'Practically Tech' => 'blog/practically-tech', 'Product Central' => 'blog/product-central', 'Pulp Tech' => 'blog/violetblue', 'Qubits and Pieces' => 'blog/qubits-and-pieces', 'Securify This!' => 'blog/securify-this', 'Service Oriented' => 'blog/service-oriented', 'Small Talk' => 'blog/small-talk', 'Small Business Matters' => 'blog/small-business-matters', 'Smartphones and Cell Phones' => 'blog/cell-phones', 'Social Business' => 'blog/feeds', 'Social CRM: The Conversation' => 'blog/crm', 'Software & Services Safari' => 'blog/sommer', 'Storage Bits' => 'blog/storage', 'Stacking up Open Clouds' => 'blog/apac-redhat', 'Techie Isles' => 'blog/techie-isles', 'Technolatte' => 'blog/technolatte', 'Tech Podium' => 'blog/tech-podium', 'Tel Aviv Tech' => 'blog/tel-aviv', 'Tech Broiler' => 'blog/perlow', 'The SANMAN' => 'blog/the-sanman', 'The open source revolution' => 'blog/the-open-source-revolution', 'The German View' => 'blog/german', 'The Ed Bott Report' => 'blog/bott', 'The Mobile Gadgeteer' => 'blog/mobile-gadgeteer', 'The Apple Core' => 'blog/apple', 'Tom Foremski: IMHO' => 'blog/foremski', 'Twisted Wire' => 'blog/twisted-wire', 'Vive la tech' => 'blog/france', 'Virtually Speaking' => 'blog/virtualization', 'View from China' => 'blog/china', 'Web design & Free Software' => 'blog/web-design-and-free-software', 'ZDNet Government' => 'blog/government', 'ZDNet UK Book Reviews' => 'blog/zdnet-uk-book-reviews', 'ZDNet UK First Take' => 'blog/zdnet-uk-first-take', 'Zero Day' => 'blog/security' ), 'ZDNet Hot Topics RSS:' => array( 'Apple' => 'topic/apple', 'Collaboration' => 'topic/collaboration', 'Enterprise Software' => 'topic/enterprise-software', 'Google' => 'topic/google', 'Great debate' => 'topic/great-debate', 'Hardware' => 'topic/hardware', 'IBM' => 'topic/ibm', 'iOS' => 'topic/ios', 'iPhone' => 'topic/iphone', 'iPad' => 'topic/ipad', 'IT Priorities' => 'topic/it-priorities', 'Laptops' => 'topic/laptops', 'Legal' => 'topic/legal', 'Linux' => 'topic/linux', 'Microsoft' => 'topic/microsoft', 'Mobile OS' => 'topic/mobile-os', 'Mobility' => 'topic/mobility', 'Networking' => 'topic/networking', 'Oracle' => 'topic/oracle', 'Processors' => 'topic/processors', 'Samsung' => 'topic/samsung', 'Security' => 'topic/security', 'Small business: going big on mobility' => 'topic/small-business-going-big-on-mobility' ), 'Product Blogs:' => array( 'Digital Cameras & Camcorders' => 'blog/digitalcameras', 'Home Theater' => 'blog/home-theater', 'Laptops and Desktops' => 'blog/computers', 'The Mobile Gadgeteer' => 'blog/mobile-gadgeteer', 'Smartphones and Cell Phones' => 'blog/cell-phones', 'The ToyBox' => 'blog/gadgetreviews' ), 'Vertical Blogs:' => array( 'ZDNet Education' => 'blog/education', 'ZDNet Healthcare' => 'blog/healthcare', 'ZDNet Government' => 'blog/government' ) ) ) )); public function collectData(){ function stripCdata($string){ $string = str_replace('<![CDATA[', '', $string); $string = str_replace(']]>', '', $string); return trim($string); } function extractFromDelimiters($string, $start, $end){ if(strpos($string, $start) !== false) { $section_retrieved = substr($string, strpos($string, $start) + strlen($start)); $section_retrieved = substr($section_retrieved, 0, strpos($section_retrieved, $end)); return $section_retrieved; } return false; } function stripWithDelimiters($string, $start, $end){ while(strpos($string, $start) !== false) { $section_to_remove = substr($string, strpos($string, $start)); $section_to_remove = substr($section_to_remove, 0, strpos($section_to_remove, $end) + strlen($end)); $string = str_replace($section_to_remove, '', $string); } return $string; } function stripRecursiveHtmlSection($string, $tag_name, $tag_start){ $open_tag = '<' . $tag_name; $close_tag = '</' . $tag_name . '>'; $close_tag_length = strlen($close_tag); if(strpos($tag_start, $open_tag) === 0) { while(strpos($string, $tag_start) !== false) { $max_recursion = 100; $section_to_remove = null; $section_start = strpos($string, $tag_start); $search_offset = $section_start; do { $max_recursion--; $section_end = strpos($string, $close_tag, $search_offset); $search_offset = $section_end + $close_tag_length; $section_to_remove = substr( $string, $section_start, $section_end - $section_start + $close_tag_length ); $open_tag_count = substr_count($section_to_remove, $open_tag); $close_tag_count = substr_count($section_to_remove, $close_tag); } while ($open_tag_count > $close_tag_count && $max_recursion > 0); $string = str_replace($section_to_remove, '', $string); } } return $string; } $baseUri = self::URI; $feed = $this->getInput('feed'); if(strpos($feed, 'downloads!') !== false) { $feed = str_replace('downloads!', '', $feed); $baseUri = str_replace('www.', 'downloads.', $baseUri); } $url = $baseUri . trim($feed, '/') . '/rss.xml'; $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url) or returnServerError('Could not request ZDNet: ' . $url); $limit = 0; foreach($html->find('item') as $element) { if($limit < 10) { $article_url = preg_replace( '/([^#]+)#ftag=.*/', '$1', stripCdata(extractFromDelimiters($element->innertext, '<link>', '</link>')) ); $article_author = stripCdata(extractFromDelimiters($element->innertext, 'role="author">', '<')); $article_title = stripCdata($element->find('title', 0)->plaintext); $article_subtitle = stripCdata($element->find('description', 0)->plaintext); $article_timestamp = strtotime(stripCdata($element->find('pubDate', 0)->plaintext)); $article = getSimpleHTMLDOM($article_url) or returnServerError('Could not request ZDNet: ' . $article_url); if(!empty($article_author)) { $author = $article_author; } else { $author = $article->find('meta[name=author]', 0); if(is_object($author)) { $author = $author->content; } else { $author = 'ZDNet'; } } $thumbnail = $article->find('meta[itemprop=image]', 0); if(is_object($thumbnail)) { $thumbnail = $thumbnail->content; } else { $thumbnail = ''; } $contents = $article->find('article', 0)->innertext; foreach(array( '<div class="shareBar"', '<div class="shortcodeGalleryWrapper"', '<div class="relatedContent', '<div class="downloadNow', '<div data-shortcode', '<div id="sharethrough', '<div id="inpage-video' ) as $div_start) { $contents = stripRecursiveHtmlSection($contents, 'div', $div_start); } $contents = stripWithDelimiters($contents, '<script', '</script>'); $contents = stripWithDelimiters($contents, '<meta itemprop="image"', '>'); $contents = trim(stripWithDelimiters($contents, '<section class="sharethrough-top', '</section>')); $content_img = strpos($contents, '<img'); //Look for first image if (($content_img !== false && $content_img < 512) || $thumbnail == '') { $content_img = ''; //Image already present on article beginning or no thumbnail } else { $content_img = '<p><img src="'.$thumbnail.'" /></p>'; //Include thumbnail } $contents = $content_img . '<p><b>' . $article_subtitle . '</b></p>' . $contents; $item = array(); $item['author'] = $author; $item['uri'] = $article_url; $item['title'] = $article_title; $item['timestamp'] = $article_timestamp; $item['content'] = $contents; $this->items[] = $item; $limit++; } } } }