maintainer = 'logmanoriginal'; $this->name = 'Wikipedia bridge for \'Today\'s featured article...\' for many languages'; $this->uri = ''; $this->description = 'Returns \'Today\'s featured article...\' for a language of your choice'; $this->update = '2016-08-07'; $this->parameters[] = '[ { "name": "Language", "identifier": "language", "type": "list", "required": "true", "title": "Select your language", "exampleValue": "English", "values": [ { "name": "English", "value": "en" }, { "name": "German", "value": "de" }, { "name": "French", "value": "fr" }, { "name": "Esperanto", "value": "eo" } ] }, { "name": "Load full article", "identifier": "fullarticle", "type": "checkbox", "required": "false", "title": "Activate to always load the full article", "exampleValue": "false" } ]'; } public function collectData(array $params){ if(!isset($params['language'])) $this->returnError('You must specify a valid language via \'&language=\'!', 400); if(!$this->CheckLanguageCode(strtolower($params['language']))) $this->returnError('The language code you provided (\'' . $params['language'] . '\') is not supported!', 400); $fullArticle = false; if(isset($params['fullarticle'])) $fullArticle = $params['fullarticle'] === 'on' ? true : false; // We store the correct URI as URI of this bridge (so it can be used later!) $this->uri = 'https://' . strtolower($params['language']) . ''; // While we at it let's also update the name for the feed $this->name = 'Today\'s featured articles from ' . strtolower($params['language']) . ''; // This will automatically send us to the correct main page in any language (try it!) $html = $this->file_get_html($this->uri . '/wiki'); if(!$html) $this->returnError('Could not load site: ' . $this->uri . '!', 404); /* * Now read content depending on the language (make sure to create one function per language!) * We build the function name automatically, just make sure you create a private function ending * with your desired language code, where the language code is upper case! (en -> GetContentsEN). */ $function = 'GetContents' . strtoupper($params['language']); if(!method_exists($this, $function)) $this->returnError('A function to get the contents for your langauage is missing (\'' . $function . '\')!', 501); /* * The method takes care of creating all items. */ $this->$function($html, $fullArticle); } /** * Returns true if the language code is part of the parameters list */ private function CheckLanguageCode($languageCode){ $parameter = json_decode($this->parameters[0], true); $languages = $parameter[0]['values']; $language_names = array(); foreach($languages as $language) $language_names[] = $language['value']; return in_array($languageCode, $language_names); } /* * Adds a new item to $items using a generic operation (should work for most (all?) wikis) */ private function AddElementGeneric($element, $fullArticle){ // Clean the bottom of the featured article $element->find('div', -1)->outertext = ''; $item = new \Item(); $item->uri = $this->uri . $element->find('p', 0)->find('a', 0)->href; $item->title = $element->find('p', 0)->find('a', 0)->title; if(!$fullArticle) $item->content = strip_tags(str_replace('href="/', 'href="' . $this->uri . '/', $element->innertext), '

'); else $item->content = $this->LoadFullArticle($item->uri); $this->items[] = $item; } /** * Loads the full article from a given URI */ private function LoadFullArticle($uri){ $content_html = $this->file_get_html($uri); if(!$content_html) $this->returnError('Could not load site: ' . $uri . '!', 404); $content = $content_html->find('#mw-content-text', 0); if(!$content) $this->returnError('Could not find content in page: ' . $uri . '!', 404); // Let's remove a couple of things from the article $content->find('#toc', 0)->outertext = ''; // 'Contents' table foreach($content->find('ol.references') as $reference) // References $reference->outertext = ''; return str_replace('href="/', 'href="' . $this->uri . '/', $content->innertext); } /** * Implementation for */ private function GetContentsDE($html, $fullArticle){ $element = $html->find('div[id=mf-tfa]', 0); $this->AddElementGeneric($element, $fullArticle); } /** * Implementation for */ private function GetContentsFR($html, $fullArticle){ $element = $html->find('div[id=accueil-lumieresur]', 0); $this->AddElementGeneric($element, $fullArticle); } /** * Implementation for */ private function GetContentsEN($html, $fullArticle){ $element = $html->find('div[id=mp-tfa]', 0); $this->AddElementGeneric($element, $fullArticle); } /** * Implementation for */ private function GetContentsEO($html, $fullArticle){ $element = $html->find('div[id=mf-artikolo-de-la-semajno]', 0); $this->AddElementGeneric($element, $fullArticle); } }