<?php class AO3Bridge extends BridgeAbstract { const NAME = 'AO3'; const URI = 'https://archiveofourown.org/'; const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 1800; const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns works or chapters from Archive of Our Own'; const MAINTAINER = 'Obsidienne'; const PARAMETERS = array( 'List' => array( 'url' => array( 'name' => 'url', 'required' => true, // Example: F/F tag, complete works only 'exampleValue' => self::URI . 'works?work_search[complete]=T&tag_id=F*s*F', ), ), 'Bookmarks' => array( 'user' => array( 'name' => 'user', 'required' => true, // Example: Nyaaru's bookmarks 'exampleValue' => 'Nyaaru', ), ), 'Work' => array( 'id' => array( 'name' => 'id', 'required' => true, // Example: latest chapters from A Better Past by LysSerris 'exampleValue' => '18181853', ), ) ); // Feed for lists of works (e.g. recent works, search results, filtered tags, // bookmarks, series, collections). private function collectList($url) { $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url) or returnServerError('could not request AO3'); $html = defaultLinkTo($html, self::URI); foreach($html->find('.index.group > li') as $element) { $item = array(); $title = $element->find('div h4 a', 0); if (!isset($title)) continue; // discard deleted works $item['title'] = $title->plaintext; $item['content'] = $element; $item['uri'] = $title->href; $strdate = $element->find('div p.datetime', 0)->plaintext; $item['timestamp'] = strtotime($strdate); $chapters = $element->find('dl dd.chapters', 0); // bookmarked series and external works do not have a chapters count $chapters = (isset($chapters) ? $chapters->plaintext : 0); $item['uid'] = $item['uri'] . "/$strdate/$chapters"; $this->items[] = $item; } } // Feed for recent chapters of a specific work. private function collectWork($id) { $url = self::URI . "/works/$id/navigate"; $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url) or returnServerError('could not request AO3'); $html = defaultLinkTo($html, self::URI); $this->title = $html->find('h2 a', 0)->plaintext; foreach($html->find('ol.index.group > li') as $element) { $item = array(); $item['title'] = $element->find('a', 0)->plaintext; $item['content'] = $element; $item['uri'] = $element->find('a', 0)->href; $strdate = $element->find('span.datetime', 0)->plaintext; $strdate = str_replace('(', '', $strdate); $strdate = str_replace(')', '', $strdate); $item['timestamp'] = strtotime($strdate); $item['uid'] = $item['uri'] . "/$strdate"; $this->items[] = $item; } $this->items = array_reverse($this->items); } public function collectData() { switch($this->queriedContext) { case 'Bookmarks': $user = $this->getInput('user'); $this->title = $user; $url = self::URI . '/users/' . $user . '/bookmarks?bookmark_search[sort_column]=bookmarkable_date'; return $this->collectList($url); case 'List': return $this->collectList( $this->getInput('url') ); case 'Work': return $this->collectWork( $this->getInput('id') ); } } public function getName() { $name = parent::getName() . " $this->queriedContext"; if (isset($this->title)) $name .= " - $this->title"; return $name; } public function getIcon() { return self::URI . '/favicon.ico'; } }