<?php class AmazonPriceTrackerBridge extends BridgeAbstract { const MAINTAINER = 'captn3m0'; const NAME = 'Amazon Price Tracker'; const URI = 'https://www.amazon.com/'; const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600; // 1h const DESCRIPTION = 'Tracks price for a single product on Amazon'; const PARAMETERS = array( array( 'asin' => array( 'name' => 'ASIN', 'required' => true, 'exampleValue' => 'B071GB1VMQ', // https://stackoverflow.com/a/12827734 'pattern' => 'B[\dA-Z]{9}|\d{9}(X|\d)', ), 'tld' => array( 'name' => 'Country', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'Australia' => 'com.au', 'Brazil' => 'com.br', 'Canada' => 'ca', 'China' => 'cn', 'France' => 'fr', 'Germany' => 'de', 'India' => 'in', 'Italy' => 'it', 'Japan' => 'co.jp', 'Mexico' => 'com.mx', 'Netherlands' => 'nl', 'Spain' => 'es', 'United Kingdom' => 'co.uk', 'United States' => 'com', ), 'defaultValue' => 'com', ), )); protected $title; /** * Generates domain name given a amazon TLD */ private function getDomainName() { return 'https://www.amazon.' . $this->getInput('tld'); } /** * Generates URI for a Amazon product page */ public function getURI() { if (!is_null($this->getInput('asin'))) { return $this->getDomainName() . '/dp/' . $this->getInput('asin') . '/'; } return parent::getURI(); } /** * Scrapes the product title from the html page * returns the default title if scraping fails */ private function getTitle($html) { $titleTag = $html->find('#productTitle', 0); if (!$titleTag) { return $this->getDefaultTitle(); } else { return trim(html_entity_decode($titleTag->innertext, ENT_QUOTES)); } } /** * Title used by the feed if none could be found */ private function getDefaultTitle() { return 'Amazon.' . $this->getInput('tld') . ': ' . $this->getInput('asin'); } /** * Returns name for the feed * Uses title (already scraped) if it has one */ public function getName() { if (isset($this->title)) { return $this->title; } else { return parent::getName(); } } private function parseDynamicImage($attribute) { $json = json_decode(html_entity_decode($attribute), true); if ($json and count($json) > 0) { return array_keys($json)[0]; } } /** * Returns a generated image tag for the product */ private function getImage($html) { $imageSrc = $html->find('#main-image-container img', 0); if ($imageSrc) { $hiresImage = $imageSrc->getAttribute('data-old-hires'); $dynamicImageAttribute = $imageSrc->getAttribute('data-a-dynamic-image'); $image = $hiresImage ?: $this->parseDynamicImage($dynamicImageAttribute); } $image = $image ?: 'https://placekitten.com/200/300'; return <<<EOT <img width="300" style="max-width:300;max-height:300" src="$image" alt="{$this->title}" /> EOT; } /** * Return \simple_html_dom object * for the entire html of the product page */ private function getHtml() { $uri = $this->getURI(); return getSimpleHTMLDOM($uri) ?: returnServerError('Could not request Amazon.'); } private function scrapePriceFromMetrics($html) { $asinData = $html->find('#cerberus-data-metrics', 0); // <div id="cerberus-data-metrics" style="display: none;" // data-asin="B00WTHJ5SU" data-asin-price="14.99" data-asin-shipping="0" // data-asin-currency-code="USD" data-substitute-count="-1" ... /> if ($asinData) { return array( 'price' => $asinData->getAttribute('data-asin-price'), 'currency' => $asinData->getAttribute('data-asin-currency-code'), 'shipping' => $asinData->getAttribute('data-asin-shipping') ); } return false; } private function scrapePriceGeneric($html) { $priceDiv = $html->find('span.offer-price', 0) ?: $html->find('.a-color-price', 0); preg_match('/^\s*([A-Z]{3}|£|\$)\s?([\d.,]+)\s*$/', $priceDiv->plaintext, $matches); if (count($matches) === 3) { return array( 'price' => $matches[2], 'currency' => $matches[1], 'shipping' => '0' ); } return false; } /** * Scrape method for Amazon product page * @return [type] [description] */ public function collectData() { $html = $this->getHtml(); $this->title = $this->getTitle($html); $imageTag = $this->getImage($html); $data = $this->scrapePriceFromMetrics($html) ?: $this->scrapePriceGeneric($html); $item = array( 'title' => $this->title, 'uri' => $this->getURI(), 'content' => "$imageTag<br/>Price: {$data['price']} {$data['currency']}", ); if ($data['shipping'] !== '0') { $item['content'] .= "<br>Shipping: {$data['shipping']} {$data['currency']}</br>"; } $this->items[] = $item; } }