<?php /** * RssBridgeTwitchApi * Returns the newest broadcasts or highlights. Be aware that Twitch deletes broadcasts after * 14 days: http://blog.twitch.tv/2014/08/important-reminder-past-broadcasts-removed-today/ * * @name Twitch API Bridge * @homepage http://www.twitch.tv * @description Returns the newest broadcasts or highlights by channel name using the Twitch API (v3) * @maintainer logmanoriginal * @update 2015-07-14 * @use1(text|channel="Channel", list|broadcasts="Show broadcasts=>true;Don't show broadcasts=>false") * @use2(text|channel="Channel", text|limit="Limit", list|broadcasts="Show broadcasts=>true;Don't show broadcasts=>false") * * Description for the API is available on GitHub: https://github.com/justintv/twitch-api */ define(TWITCH_LIMIT, 10); // The default limit define(TWITCH_BROADCASTS, 'false'); // The default flag for broadcasts class TwitchApiBridge extends BridgeAbstract{ // for use in the getName function! private $channel; public function collectData(array $param){ /* In accordance with API description: * "When specifying a version for a request to the Twitch API, set the Accept HTTP header to the API version you prefer." * Now we prefer v3 right now and need to build the context options. */ $opts = array('https' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'header' => 'Accept: application/vnd.twitchtv.v3+json' ) ); $context = stream_context_create($opts); $channel = ''; $limit = TWITCH_LIMIT; $broadcasts = TWITCH_BROADCASTS; $requests = 1; if(isset($param['channel'])) { $channel = $param['channel']; } else { $this->returnError('You must specify a valid channel name! Received: &channel=' . $param['channel'], 400); } $this->channel = $channel; if(isset($param['limit'])) { try { $limit = (int)$param['limit']; } catch (Exception $e){ $this->returnError('The limit you specified is not valid! Received: &limit=' . $param['limit'] . ' Expected: &limit=<num> where <num> is any integer number.', 400); } } else { $limit = TWITCH_LIMIT; } // The Twitch API allows a limit between 1 .. 100. Therefore any value below must be set to 1, any greater must result in multiple requests. if($limit < 1) { $limit = 1; } if($limit > 100) { $requests = (int)($limit / 100); if($limit % 100 != 0) { $requests++; } } if(isset($param['broadcasts']) && ($param['broadcasts'] == 'true' || $param['broadcasts'] == 'false')) { $broadcasts = $param['broadcasts']; } else { $this->returnError('The value for broadcasts you specified is not valid! Received: &broadcasts=' . $param['broadcasts'] . ' Expected: &broadcasts=false or &broadcasts=true', 400); } // Build the initial request, see also: https://github.com/justintv/Twitch-API/blob/master/v3_resources/videos.md#get-channelschannelvideos $request = ''; if($requests == 1) { $request = 'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/' . $channel . '/videos?limit=' . $limit . '&broadcasts=' . $broadcasts; } else { $request = 'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/' . $channel . '/videos?limit=100&broadcasts=' . $broadcasts; } /* Finally we're ready to request data from the API. Each response provides information for the next request. */ for($i = 0; $i < $requests; $i++) { $response = file_get_contents($request, false, $context); if($response == false) { $this->returnError('Request failed! Check if the channel name is valid!', 400); } $data = json_decode($response); foreach($data->videos as $video) { $item = new \Item(); $item->id = $video->_id; $item->uri = $video->url; $item->thumbnailUri = $video->preview; $item->title = htmlspecialchars($video->title); $item->timestamp = strtotime($video->recorded_at); $item->content = '<a href="' . $item->uri . '"><img src="' . $item->thumbnailUri . '" /></a><br><a href="' . $item->uri . '">' . $item->title . '</a>'; $this->items[] = $item; // Stop once the number of requested items is reached if(count($this->items) >= $limit) { break; } } // Get next request (if available) if(isset($data->_links->next)) { $request = $data->_links->next; } else { break; } } } public function getName(){ return (!empty($this->channel) ? $this->channel . ' - ' : '') . 'Twitch API Bridge'; } public function getURI(){ return 'https://www.twitch.tv'; } public function getCacheDuration(){ return 10800; // 3 hours } } ?>