logmanoriginal 0f25684e65 [FlickrExplore] Fix and improve bridge
Instead of utilizing API requests for each element, the information
is now read directly from the source page, which provides information
as JSON data embedded in a script block.

The author name is returned for each element.

Improves the title and optionally adds the description if available
2017-02-11 12:03:41 +01:00

68 lines
2.5 KiB

class FlickrExploreBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = "sebsauvage";
const NAME = "Flickr Explore";
const URI = "";
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 21600; // 6 hours
const DESCRIPTION = "Returns the latest interesting images from Flickr";
public function collectData(){
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . 'explore')
or returnServerError('Could not request Flickr.');
// Find SCRIPT containing JSON data
$model = $html->find('.modelExport', 0);
$model_text = $model->innertext;
// Find start and end of JSON data
$start = strpos($model_text, 'modelExport:') + strlen('modelExport:');
$end = strpos($model_text, 'auth:') - strlen('auth:');
// Dissect JSON data and remove trailing comma
$model_text = trim(substr($model_text, $start, $end - $start));
$model_text = substr($model_text, 0, strlen($model_text) - 1);
$model_json = json_decode($model_text, true);
foreach($html->find('.photo-list-photo-view') as $element){
// Get the styles
$style = explode(';', $element->style);
// Get the background-image style
$backgroundImage = explode(':', end($style));
// URI type : url(//
$imageURI = trim(str_replace(['url(', ')'], '', end($backgroundImage)));
// Get the image ID
$imageURIs = explode('_', basename($imageURI));
$imageID = reset($imageURIs);
// Use JSON data to build items
foreach(reset($model_json)[0]['photos']['_data'] as $element){
if($element['id'] === $imageID){
$item = array();
$item['author'] = (array_key_exists('username', $element) ? $element['username'] : 'Anonymous');
$item['title'] = (array_key_exists('title', $element) ? $element['title'] : 'Untitled');
$item['uri'] = self::URI . 'photo.gne?id=' . $imageID;
$description = (array_key_exists('description', $element) ? $element['description'] : '');
$item['content'] = '<a href="'
. $item['uri']
. '"><img src="'
. $imageURI . '" /></a>'
. '<br>'
. '<p>'
. $description
. '</p>';
$this->items[] = $item;