logmanoriginal 1d53b70272 bridges: Remove unused functions and update scopes
Many bridges implemented getDescription() which is only applicable for
bridges extending RSSExpander.

Functions that are not part of the abstract class or interface should
be in private scope for better readability.
2016-08-06 16:00:56 +02:00

109 lines
2.7 KiB

define('WORLD_OF_TANKS', '');
define('NEWS', '/news/');
class WorldOfTanks extends HttpCachingBridgeAbstract{
private $lang = "fr";
public $uri = WORLD_OF_TANKS;
public function loadMetadatas() {
$this->maintainer = "mitsukarenai";
$this->name = "World of Tanks";
$this->uri = "";
$this->description = "News about the tank slaughter game.";
$this->update = "2016-08-06";
$this->parameters[] =
"name" : "ID de la catégorie",
"type" : "number",
"identifier" : "category"
"name" : "Langue",
"identifier" : "lang",
"type" : "list",
"values" : [
"name" : "Français",
"value" : "fr"
"name" : "English",
"value" : "en"
"name" : "Español",
"value" : "es"
"name" : "Deutsch",
"value" : "de"
"name" : "Čeština",
"value" : "cs"
"name" : "Polski",
"value" : "pl"
"name" : "Türkçe",
"value" : "tr"
public function collectData(array $param){
if (!empty($param['lang'])) {
$this->lang = $param['lang'];
if(empty($param['category'])) {
$this->uri = WORLD_OF_TANKS.$this->lang.NEWS;
} else {
$this->uri = WORLD_OF_TANKS.$this->lang.NEWS.'pc-browser/'.$param['category']."/";
$html = $this->file_get_html($this->getURI()) or $this->returnError('Could not request '.$this->getURI(), 404);
$this->message("loaded HTML from ".$this->getURI());
// customize name
$this->name = $html->find('title', 0)->innertext;
foreach($html->find('.b-imgblock_ico') as $infoLink) {
private function parseLine($infoLink) {
$item = new Item();
$item->uri = WORLD_OF_TANKS.$infoLink->href;
// now load that uri from cache
// $this->message("loading page ".$item->uri);
$articlePage = str_get_html($this->get_cached($item->uri));
$content = $articlePage->find('.l-content', 0);
HTMLSanitizer::defaultImageSrcTo($content, WORLD_OF_TANKS);
$item->title = $content->find('h1', 0)->innertext;
$item->content = $content->find('.b-content', 0)->innertext;
// $item->name = $auteur->innertext;
$item->timestamp = $content->find('.b-statistic_time', 0)->getAttribute("data-timestamp");
$this->items[] = $item;
public function getName(){
return $this->name;
public function getURI(){
return $this->uri;
public function getCacheDuration(){
return 3600; // 2h hours