BridgeAbstract will return 3600 seconds by default, so the function can be removed from any bridge implementing getCacheDuration returning the same value. Documentation updated accordingly.
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class ThePirateBayBridge extends BridgeAbstract{
public function loadMetadatas() {
$this->maintainer = "mitsukarenai";
$this->name = "The Pirate Bay";
$this->uri = "";
$this->description = "Returns results for the keywords. You can put several list of keywords by separating them with a semicolon (e.g. \"one show;another show\")";
$this->update = "2016-08-06";
$this->parameters[] =
"name" : "keywords, separated by semicolons",
"identifier" : "q",
"exampleValue" : "first list;second list;..."
public function collectData(array $param){
function parseDateTimestamp($element){
$guessedDate = $element->find('font',0)->plaintext;
$guessedDate = explode("Uploaded ",$guessedDate)[1];
$guessedDate = explode(",",$guessedDate)[0];
if (count(explode(":",$guessedDate)) == 1)
$guessedDate = strptime($guessedDate, '%m-%d %Y');
$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0,
$guessedDate['tm_mon'] + 1, $guessedDate['tm_mday'], 1900+$guessedDate['tm_year']);
else if (explode(" ",$guessedDate)[0] == 'Today')
$guessedDate = strptime(explode(" ",$guessedDate)[1], '%H:%M');
$timestamp = mktime($guessedDate['tm_hour'], $guessedDate['tm_min'], 0,
date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
else if (explode(" ",$guessedDate)[0] == 'Y-day')
$guessedDate = strptime(explode(" ",$guessedDate)[1], '%H:%M');
$timestamp = mktime($guessedDate['tm_hour'], $guessedDate['tm_min'], 0,
date('m',time()-24*60*60), date('d',time()-24*60*60), date('Y',time()-24*60*60));
$guessedDate = strptime($guessedDate, '%m-%d %H:%M');
$timestamp = mktime($guessedDate['tm_hour'], $guessedDate['tm_min'], 0,
$guessedDate['tm_mon'] + 1, $guessedDate['tm_mday'], date('Y'));
return $timestamp;
if (!isset($param['q']))
$this->returnError('You must specify keywords (?q=...)', 400);
$keywordsList = explode(";",$param['q']);
foreach($keywordsList as $keywords){
$html = $this->file_get_html(''.rawurlencode($keywords).'/0/3/0') or $this->returnError('Could not request TPB.', 404);
if ($html->find('table#searchResult', 0) == FALSE)
$this->returnError('No result for query '.$keywords, 404);
foreach($html->find('tr') as $element) {
$item = new \Item();
$item->uri = ''.$element->find('a.detLink',0)->href;
$item->id = $item->uri;
$item->timestamp = parseDateTimestamp($element);
$item->title = $element->find('a.detLink',0)->plaintext;
$item->seeders = (int)$element->find('td',2)->plaintext;
$item->leechers = (int)$element->find('td',3)->plaintext;
$item->content = $element->find('font',0)->plaintext.'<br>seeders: '.$item->seeders.' | leechers: '.$item->leechers.'<br><a href="'.$element->find('a',3)->href.'">download</a>';
$this->items[] = $item;
public function getName(){
return 'The Pirate Bay';
public function getURI(){
return '';