Teromene e1cdca6971 Ajout du paramètre pattern pour les entrées de type texte, ajout du required côté HTML.
Correction de la page d'accueuil pour qu'elle soit conforme aux standards du W3C.
Correction de la regex de listage des fichiers pour qu'elle ignore les sauvegardes.
Ajout d'un nettoyeur HTML, par défaut.
2015-11-11 21:45:24 +00:00

365 lines
11 KiB

* All bridge logic
* Note : adapter are store in other place
interface BridgeInterface{
public function collectData(array $param);
public function getCacheDuration();
public function loadMetadatas();
public function getName();
public function getURI();
abstract class BridgeAbstract implements BridgeInterface{
protected $cache;
protected $items = array();
public $name = "Unnamed bridge";
public $uri = "";
public $description = 'No description provided';
public $maintainer = 'No maintainer';
public $parameters = array();
* Loads the Bridge Metadatas
public function loadMetadatas() {
* Launch probative exception
protected function returnError($message, $code){
throw new \HttpException($message, $code);
* Return datas store in the bridge
* @return mixed
public function getDatas(){
return $this->items;
* Defined datas with parameters depending choose bridge
* Note : you can defined a cache before with "setCache"
* @param array $param $_REQUEST, $_GET, $_POST, or array with bridge expected paramters
public function setDatas(array $param){
if( !is_null($this->cache) ){
$time = $this->cache->getTime();
$time = false; // No cache ? No time !
if( $time !== false && ( time() - $this->getCacheDuration() < $time ) ){ // Cache file has not expired. Serve it.
$this->items = $this->cache->loadData();
if( !is_null($this->cache) ){ // Cache defined ? We go to refresh is memory :D
* Define default duraction for cache
public function getCacheDuration(){
return 3600;
* Defined cache object to use
public function setCache(\CacheAbstract $cache){
$this->cache = $cache;
return $this;
* Set default image SRC attribute to point on given server when none is provided (that's to say when image src starts with '/'
public function defaultImageSrcTo($content, $server) {
foreach($content->find('img') as $image) {
if(strpos($image->src, '/')==0) {
$image->src = $server.$image->src;
* Extension of BridgeAbstract allowing caching of files downloaded over http files.
* This is specially useful for sites from Gawker or Liberation networks, which allow pages excerpts top be viewed together on index, while full pages have to be downloaded
* separately.
* This class mainly provides a get_cached method which will will download the file from its remote location.
* TODO allow file cache invalidation by touching files on access, and removing files/directories which have not been touched since ... a long time
* After all, rss-bridge is not respaw, isn't it ?
abstract class HttpCachingBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract {
* Maintain locally cached versions of pages to download to avoid multiple doiwnloads.
* A file name is generated by replacing all "/" by "_", and the file is saved below this bridge cache
* @param url url to cache
* @return content of file as string
public function get_cached($url) {
$simplified_url = str_replace(["http://", "https://", "?", "&", "="], ["", "", "/", "/", "/"], $url);
// TODO build this from the variable given to Cache
$pageCacheDir = __DIR__ . '/../cache/'."pages/";
$filename = $pageCacheDir.$simplified_url;
if (substr($filename, -1) == '/') {
$filename = $filename."index.html";
if(file_exists($filename)) {
// $this->message("loading cached file from ".$filename." for page at url ".$url);
// TODO touch file and its parent, and try to do neighbour deletion
$this->refresh_in_cache($pageCacheDir, $filename);
} else {
// $this->message("we have no local copy of ".$url." Downloading to ".$filename);
$dir = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '/'));
if(!is_dir($dir)) {
// $this->message("creating directories for ".$dir);
mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
$this->download_remote($url, $filename);
return file_get_contents($filename);
public function get_cached_time($url) {
$simplified_url = str_replace(["http://", "https://", "?", "&", "="], ["", "", "/", "/", "/"], $url);
// TODO build this from the variable given to Cache
$pageCacheDir = __DIR__ . '/../cache/'."pages/";
$filename = $pageCacheDir.$simplified_url;
if (substr($filename, -1) == '/') {
$filename = $filename."index.html";
if(!file_exists($filename)) {
return filectime($filename);
private function refresh_in_cache($pageCacheDir, $filename) {
$currentPath = $filename;
while(!$pageCacheDir==$currentPath) {
$currentPath = dirname($currentPath);
public function download_remote($url , $save_path) {
$f = fopen( $save_path , 'w+');
if($f) {
$handle = fopen($url , "rb");
if($handle) {
while (!feof($handle)) {
$contents = fread($handle, 8192);
if($contents) {
fwrite($f , $contents);
public function remove_from_cache($url) {
$simplified_url = str_replace(["http://", "https://", "?", "&", "="], ["", "", "/", "/", "/"], $url);
// TODO build this from the variable given to Cache
$pageCacheDir = __DIR__ . '/../cache/'."pages/";
$filename = realpath($pageCacheDir.$simplified_url);
$this->message("removing from cache \"".$filename."\" WELL, NOT REALLY");
// filename is NO GOOD
// unlink($filename);
public function message($text) {
$backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 3);
$calling = $backtrace[2];
$message = $calling["file"].":".$calling["line"]
." class ".get_class($this)."->".$calling["function"]
." - ".$text;
class Bridge{
static protected $dirBridge;
public function __construct(){
throw new \LogicException('Please use ' . __CLASS__ . '::create for new object.');
* Checks if a bridge is an instantiable bridge.
* @param string $nameBridge name of the bridge that you want to use
* @return true if it is an instantiable bridge, false otherwise.
static public function isInstantiable($nameBridge) {
$re = new ReflectionClass($nameBridge);
return $re->IsInstantiable();
* Create a new bridge object
* @param string $nameBridge Defined bridge name you want use
* @return Bridge object dedicated
static public function create($nameBridge){
if( !static::isValidNameBridge($nameBridge) ){
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Name bridge must be at least one uppercase follow or not by alphanumeric or dash characters.');
$pathBridge = self::getDir() . $nameBridge . '.php';
if( !file_exists($pathBridge) ){
throw new \Exception('The bridge you looking for does not exist. It should be at path '.$pathBridge);
require_once $pathBridge;
if(Bridge::isInstantiable($nameBridge)) {
return new $nameBridge();
} else {
return FALSE;
static public function setDir($dirBridge){
if( !is_string($dirBridge) ){
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Dir bridge must be a string.');
if( !file_exists($dirBridge) ){
throw new \Exception('Dir bridge does not exist.');
self::$dirBridge = $dirBridge;
static public function getDir(){
$dirBridge = self::$dirBridge;
if( is_null($dirBridge) ){
throw new \LogicException(__CLASS__ . ' class need to know bridge path !');
return $dirBridge;
static public function isValidNameBridge($nameBridge){
return preg_match('@^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$@', $nameBridge);
* Lists the available bridges.
* @return array List of the bridges
static public function listBridges() {
$pathDirBridge = self::getDir();
$listBridge = array();
$dirFiles = scandir($pathDirBridge);
if( $dirFiles !== false ){
foreach( $dirFiles as $fileName ) {
if( preg_match('@([^.]+)\.php$@U', $fileName, $out) ){
$listBridge[] = $out[1];
return $listBridge;
static function isWhitelisted( $whitelist, $name ) {
if(in_array("$name", $whitelist) or in_array("$name.php", $whitelist))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
abstract class RssExpander extends HttpCachingBridgeAbstract{
public $name;
public $uri;
public $description;
public function collectExpandableDatas(array $param, $name){
if (empty($name)) {
$this->returnError('There is no $param[\'url\'] for this RSS expander', 404);
// $this->message("Loading from ".$param['url']);
// Notice WE DO NOT use cache here on purpose : we want a fresh view of the RSS stream each time
$rssContent = simplexml_load_file($name) or $this->returnError('Could not request '.$name, 404);
// $this->message("loaded RSS from ".$param['url']);
// TODO insert RSS format detection
// we suppose for now, we have some RSS 2.0
protected function collect_RSS_2_0_data($rssContent) {
$rssContent = $rssContent->channel[0];
// $this->message("RSS content is ===========\n".var_export($rssContent, true)."===========");
foreach($rssContent->item as $item) {
// $this->message("parsing item ".var_export($item, true));
$this->items[] = $this->parseRSSItem($item);
protected function RSS_2_0_time_to_timestamp($item) {
return DateTime::createFromFormat('D, d M Y H:i:s e', $item->pubDate)->getTimestamp();
// TODO set title, link, description, language, and so on
protected function load_RSS_2_0_feed_data($rssContent) {
$this->name = trim($rssContent->title);
$this->uri = trim($rssContent->link);
$this->description = trim($rssContent->description);
* Method should return, from a source RSS item given by lastRSS, one of our Items objects
* @param $item the input rss item
* @return a RSS-Bridge Item, with (hopefully) the whole content)
abstract protected function parseRSSItem($item);
public function getName(){
return $this->name;
public function getURI(){
return $this->uri;
public function getDescription() {
return $this->description;