Teromene e1cdca6971 Ajout du paramètre pattern pour les entrées de type texte, ajout du required côté HTML.
Correction de la page d'accueuil pour qu'elle soit conforme aux standards du W3C.
Correction de la regex de listage des fichiers pour qu'elle ignore les sauvegardes.
Ajout d'un nettoyeur HTML, par défaut.
2015-11-11 21:45:24 +00:00

172 lines
4.9 KiB

class HTMLUtils {
public static function getHelperButtonFormat($value, $name){
return '<button type="submit" name="format" value="' . $value . '">' . $name . '</button>';
public static function getHelperButtonsFormat($formats){
$buttons = '';
foreach( $formats as $name => $infos )
if ( isset($infos['name']) )
$buttons .= HTMLUtils::getHelperButtonFormat($name, $infos['name']) . PHP_EOL;
return $buttons;
public static function displayBridgeCard($bridgeName, $formats, $isActive = true)
$bridgeElement = Bridge::create($bridgeName);
if($bridgeElement == false) {
return "";
$name = '<a href="'.$bridgeElement->uri.'">'.$bridgeElement->name.'</a>';
$description = $bridgeElement->description;
$card = <<<CARD
<section id="bridge-{$bridgeName}" data-ref="{$bridgeName}">
<p class="description">
// If we don't have any parameter for the bridge, we print a generic form to load it.
if(count($bridgeElement->parameters) == 0) {
$card .= '<form method="GET" action="?">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="display" />
<input type="hidden" name="bridge" value="' . $bridgeName . '" />' . PHP_EOL;
if ($isActive)
$card .= HTMLUtils::getHelperButtonsFormat($formats);
$card .= '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Inactive</span>';
$card .= '</form>' . PHP_EOL;
foreach($bridgeElement->parameters as $parameterName => $parameter)
if(!is_numeric($parameterName)) {
$card .= '<h5>'.$parameterName.'</h5>' . PHP_EOL;
$card .= '<form method="GET" action="?">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="display" />
<input type="hidden" name="bridge" value="' . $bridgeName . '" />' . PHP_EOL;
$parameter = json_decode($parameter, true);
foreach($parameter as $inputEntry) {
$additionalInfoString = "";
if(isset($inputEntry['required'])) {
$additionalInfoString .= " required=\"required\"";
if(isset($inputEntry['pattern'])) {
$additionalInfoString .= " pattern=\"".$inputEntry['pattern']."\"";
if(!isset($inputEntry['exampleValue'])) $inputEntry['exampleValue'] = "";
$idArg = 'arg-' . urlencode($bridgeName) . '-' . urlencode($parameterName) . '-' . urlencode($inputEntry['identifier']);
$card .= '<label for="' .$idArg. '">' .$inputEntry['name']. ' : </label>' . PHP_EOL;
if(!isset($inputEntry['type']) || $inputEntry['type'] == 'text') {
$card .= '<input '.$additionalInfoString.' id="' . $idArg . '" type="text" value="" placeholder="' . $inputEntry['exampleValue'] . '" name="' . $inputEntry['identifier'] . '" /><br />' . PHP_EOL;
} else if($inputEntry['type'] == 'number') {
$card .= '<input '.$additionalInfoString.' id="' . $idArg . '" type="number" value="" placeholder="' . $inputEntry['exampleValue'] . '" name="' . $inputEntry['identifier'] . '" /><br />' . PHP_EOL;
} else if($inputEntry['type'] == 'list') {
$card .= '<select '.$additionalInfoString.' id="' . $idArg . '" name="' . $inputEntry['name'] . '" >';
foreach($inputEntry['values'] as $listValues) {
$card .= "<option $additionalInfoString value='" . $listValues['value'] . "'>" . $listValues['name'] . "</option>";
$card .= '</select><br >';
} else if($inputEntry['type'] == 'checkbox') {
$card .= '<input id="' . $idArg . '" type="checkbox" name="' . $inputEntry['identifier'] . '" /><br />' . PHP_EOL;
if ($isActive)
$card .= HTMLUtils::getHelperButtonsFormat($formats);
$card .= '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Inactive</span>';
$card .= '</form>' . PHP_EOL;
$card .= '<span class="maintainer">'.$bridgeElement->maintainer.'</span>';
$card .= '</section>';
return $card;
class HTMLSanitizer {
var $tagsToRemove;
var $keptAttributes;
var $onlyKeepText;
const DEFAULT_CLEAR_TAGS = ["script", "iframe"];
const KEPT_ATTRIBUTES = ["title", "href", "src"];
const ONLY_TEXT = null;
function __construct($tags_to_remove = HTMLSanitizer::DEFAULT_CLEAR_TAGS, $kept_attributes = HTMLSanitizer::KEPT_ATTRIBUTES, $only_keep_text = HTMLSanitizer::ONLY_TEXT) {
$this->tagsToRemove = $tags_to_remove;
$this->keptAttributes = $kept_attributes;
$this->onlyKeepText = $only_keep_text;
function sanitize($textToSanitize) {
$htmlContent = str_get_html($textToSanitize);
foreach($htmlContent->find('*[!j_ai_pas_trouve_comment_tout_demander]') as $element) {
if(in_array($element->tag, $this->onlyKeepText)) {
$element->outertext = $element->plaintext;
} else if(in_array($element->tag, $this->tagsToRemove)) {
$element->outertext = '';
} else {
foreach($element->getAllAttributes() as $attributeName => $attribute) {
if(!in_array($attributeName, $this->keptAttributes)) $element->removeAttribute($attributeName);
return $htmlContent;