2018-07-31 19:15:09 +02:00

203 lines
5.5 KiB

class GooglePlusPostBridge extends BridgeAbstract{
private $title;
private $url;
const MAINTAINER = 'Grummfy, logmanoriginal';
const NAME = 'Google Plus Post Bridge';
const URI = '';
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 600; //10min
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns user public post (without API).';
const PARAMETERS = array( array(
'username' => array(
'name' => 'username or Id',
'required' => true
'include_media' => array(
'name' => 'Include media',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'title' => 'Enable to include media in the feed content'
public function collectData(){
$username = $this->getInput('username');
// Usernames start with a + if it's not an ID
if(!is_numeric($username) && substr($username, 0, 1) !== '+') {
$username = '+' . $username;
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(static::URI . '/' . urlencode($username) . '/posts')
or returnServerError('No results for this query.');
$html = defaultLinkTo($html, static::URI);
$this->title = $html->find('meta[property=og:title]', 0)->getAttribute('content');
$this->url = $html->find('meta[property=og:url]', 0)->getAttribute('content');
foreach($html->find('div[jsname=WsjYwc]') as $post) {
$item = array();
$item['author'] = $post->find('div div div div a', 0)->innertext;
$item['uri'] = $post->find('div div div a', 1)->href;
$timestamp = $post->find('a.qXj2He span', 0);
if($timestamp) {
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime('+' . preg_replace(
$message = $post->find('div[jsname=EjRJtf]', 0);
// Empty messages are not supported right now
if(!$message) {
$item['content'] = '<div style="float: left; padding: 0 10px 10px 0;"><a href="'
. $this->url
. '"><img align="top" alt="'
. $item['author']
. '" src="'
. $post->find('div img', 0)->src
. '" /></a></div><div>'
. trim(strip_tags($message, '<a><p><div><img>'))
. '</div>';
// Make title at least 50 characters long, but don't add '...' if it is shorter!
if(strlen($message->plaintext) > 50) {
$end = strpos($message->plaintext, ' ', 50);
if(strlen(substr($message->plaintext, 0, $end)) === strlen($message->plaintext)) {
$item['title'] = $message->plaintext;
} else {
$item['title'] = substr($message->plaintext, 0, $end) . '...';
$media = $post->find('[jsname="MTOxpb"]', 0);
if($media) {
$item['enclosures'] = array();
foreach($media->find('img') as $img) {
$item['enclosures'][] = $this->fixImage($img)->src;
if($this->getInput('include_media') === true && count($item['enclosures'] > 0)) {
$item['content'] .= '<div style="clear: both;"><a href="'
. $item['enclosures'][0]
. '"><img src="'
. $item['enclosures'][0]
. '" /></a></div>';
// Add custom parameters (only useful for JSON or Plaintext)
$item['fullname'] = $item['author'];
$item['avatar'] = $post->find('div img', 0)->src;
$item['id'] = $post->find('div div div', 0)->getAttribute('id');
$item['content_simple'] = $message->plaintext;
$this->items[] = $item;
public function getName(){
return $this->title ?: 'Google Plus Post Bridge';
public function getURI(){
return $this->url ?: parent::getURI();
private function fixImage($img) {
// There are certain images like .gif which link to a static picture and
// get replaced dynamically via JS in the browser. If we want the "real"
// image we need to account for that.
$urlparts = parse_url($img->src);
if(array_key_exists('host', $urlparts)) {
// For some reason some URIs don't contain the scheme, assume https
if(!array_key_exists('scheme', $urlparts)) {
$urlparts['scheme'] = 'https';
$pathelements = explode('/', $urlparts['path']);
switch($urlparts['host']) {
case '':
if(pathinfo(end($pathelements), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) {
// The second to last element of the path specifies the
// image format. The URL is still valid if we remove it.
unset($pathelements[count($pathelements) - 2]);
} elseif(strrpos(end($pathelements), '=') !== false) {
// Some images go throug a proxy. For those images they
// add size information after an equal sign.
// Example: '=w530-h298-n'. Again this can safely be
// removed to get the original image.
$pathelements[count($pathelements) - 1] = substr(
strrpos(end($pathelements), '=')
$urlparts['path'] = implode('/', $pathelements);
$img->src = $this->build_url($urlparts);
return $img;
* From:
* slightly adjusted to work with PHP < 7.0
* @param array $parts
* @return string
private function build_url(array $parts)
$scheme = isset($parts['scheme']) ? ($parts['scheme'] . '://') : '';
$host = isset($parts['host']) ? $parts['host'] : '';
$port = isset($parts['port']) ? (':' . $parts['port']) : '';
$user = isset($parts['user']) ? $parts['user'] : '';
$pass = isset($parts['pass']) ? (':' . $parts['pass']) : '';
$pass = ($user || $pass) ? ($pass . '@') : '';
$path = isset($parts['path']) ? $parts['path'] : '';
$query = isset($parts['query']) ? ('?' . $parts['query']) : '';
$fragment = isset($parts['fragment']) ? ('#' . $parts['fragment']) : '';
return implode('', [$scheme, $user, $pass, $host, $port, $path, $query, $fragment]);