logmanoriginal 7026684e34 [FacebookBridge] Don't remove description of embedded media
FB includes origin information (i.e. "YOUTUBE.COM") as well as
descriptions with embedded media (images and video).

These details are currently being removed by the bridge.

This commit changes implementation to only remove origin information
and keep the media description in place. The media description consists
of two elements - title and description. The title provided by FB is
included in an anchor, which gets replaced by a paragraph with the
same contents to improve readability.

References #912
2018-11-08 18:12:57 +01:00

688 lines
17 KiB

class FacebookBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'teromene, logmanoriginal';
const NAME = 'Facebook Bridge';
const URI = '';
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 300; // 5min
const DESCRIPTION = 'Input a page title or a profile log. For a profile log,
please insert the parameter as follow : myExamplePage/132621766841117';
const PARAMETERS = array(
'User' => array(
'u' => array(
'name' => 'Username',
'required' => true
'media_type' => array(
'name' => 'Media type',
'type' => 'list',
'required' => false,
'values' => array(
'All' => 'all',
'Video' => 'video',
'No Video' => 'novideo'
'defaultValue' => 'all'
'skip_reviews' => array(
'name' => 'Skip reviews',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'required' => false,
'defaultValue' => false,
'title' => 'Feed includes reviews when checked'
'Group' => array(
'g' => array(
'name' => 'Group',
'type' => 'text',
'required' => true,
'exampleValue' => '',
'title' => 'Insert group name or facebook group URL'
'global' => array(
'limit' => array(
'name' => 'Limit',
'type' => 'number',
'required' => false,
'title' => 'Specify the number of items to return (default: -1)',
'defaultValue' => -1
private $authorName = '';
private $groupName = '';
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function getName(){
switch($this->queriedContext) {
case 'User':
if(!empty($this->authorName)) {
return isset($this->extraInfos['name']) ? $this->extraInfos['name'] : $this->authorName
. ' - ' . static::NAME;
case 'Group':
if(!empty($this->groupName)) {
return $this->groupName . ' - ' . static::NAME;
return parent::getName();
public function getURI() {
$uri = self::URI;
switch($this->queriedContext) {
case 'Group':
// Discover groups via
// Example group:
$uri .= 'groups/' . $this->sanitizeGroup(filter_var($this->getInput('g'), FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));
case 'User':
// Example user 1:
// Example user 2: artetv
$user = $this->sanitizeUser($this->getInput('u'));
if(!strpos($user, '/')) {
$uri .= urlencode($user) . '/posts';
} else {
$uri .= 'pages/' . $user;
// Request the mobile version to reduce page size (no javascript)
// More information:
return $uri .= '?_fb_noscript=1';
public function collectData() {
switch($this->queriedContext) {
case 'Group':
case 'User':
returnClientError('Unknown context: "' . $this->queriedContext . '"!');
$limit = $this->getInput('limit') ?: -1;
if($limit > 0 && count($this->items) > $limit) {
$this->items = array_slice($this->items, 0, $limit);
#region Group
private function collectGroupData() {
$header = array('Accept-Language: ' . getEnv('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE') . "\r\n");
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI(), $header)
or returnServerError('Failed loading facebook page: ' . $this->getURI());
if(!$this->isPublicGroup($html)) {
returnClientError('This group is not public! RSS-Bridge only supports public groups!');
defaultLinkTo($html, substr(self::URI, 0, strlen(self::URI) - 1));
$this->groupName = $this->extractGroupName($html);
$posts = $html->find('div.userContentWrapper')
or returnServerError('Failed finding posts!');
foreach($posts as $post) {
$item = array();
$item['uri'] = $this->extractGroupURI($post);
$item['title'] = $this->extractGroupTitle($post);
$item['author'] = $this->extractGroupAuthor($post);
$item['content'] = $this->extractGroupContent($post);
$item['timestamp'] = $this->extractGroupTimestamp($post);
$item['enclosures'] = $this->extractGroupEnclosures($post);
$this->items[] = $item;
private function sanitizeGroup($group) {
// User provided a URL
$urlparts = parse_url($group);
if($urlparts['host'] !== parse_url(self::URI)['host']
&& 'www.' . $urlparts['host'] !== parse_url(self::URI)['host']) {
returnClientError('The host you provided is invalid! Received "'
. $urlparts['host']
. '", expected "'
. parse_url(self::URI)['host']
. '"!');
return explode('/', $urlparts['path'])[2];
} elseif(strpos($group, '/') !== false) {
returnClientError('The group you provided is invalid: ' . $group);
} else {
return $group;
private function isPublicGroup($html) {
// Facebook redirects to the groups about page for non-public groups
$about = $html->find('#pagelet_group_about', 0);
return !($about);
private function extractGroupName($html) {
$ogtitle = $html->find('meta[property="og:title"]', 0)
or returnServerError('Unable to find group title!');
return htmlspecialchars_decode($ogtitle->content, ENT_QUOTES);
private function extractGroupURI($post) {
$elements = $post->find('a')
or returnServerError('Unable to find URI!');
foreach($elements as $anchor) {
// Find the one that is a permalink
if(strpos($anchor->href, 'permalink') !== false) {
return $anchor->href;
return null;
private function extractGroupContent($post) {
$content = $post->find('div.userContent', 0)
or returnServerError('Unable to find user content!');
return $content->innertext . $content->next_sibling()->innertext;
private function extractGroupTimestamp($post) {
$element = $post->find('abbr[data-utime]', 0)
or returnServerError('Unable to find timestamp!');
return $element->getAttribute('data-utime');
private function extractGroupAuthor($post) {
$element = $post->find('img', 0)
or returnServerError('Unable to find author information!');
return $element->{'aria-label'};
private function extractGroupEnclosures($post) {
$elements = $post->find('div.userContent', 0)->next_sibling()->find('img');
$enclosures = array();
foreach($elements as $enclosure) {
$enclosures[] = $enclosure->src;
return empty($enclosures) ? null : $enclosures;
private function extractGroupTitle($post) {
$element = $post->find('h5', 0)
or returnServerError('Unable to find title!');
if(strpos($element->plaintext, 'shared') === false) {
$content = strip_tags($this->extractGroupContent($post));
return $this->extractGroupAuthor($post)
. ' posted: '
. substr(
strpos(wordwrap($content, 64), "\n")
. '...';
return $element->plaintext;
#endregion (Group)
#region User
* Checks if $user is a valid username or URI and returns the username
private function sanitizeUser($user) {
if (filter_var($user, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
$urlparts = parse_url($user);
if($urlparts['host'] !== parse_url(self::URI)['host']) {
returnClientError('The host you provided is invalid! Received "'
. $urlparts['host']
. '", expected "'
. parse_url(self::URI)['host']
. '"!');
if(!array_key_exists('path', $urlparts)
|| $urlparts['path'] === '/') {
returnClientError('The URL you provided doesn\'t contain the user name!');
return explode('/', $urlparts['path'])[1];
} else {
// First character cannot be a forward slash
if(strpos($user, '/') === 0) {
returnClientError('Remove leading slash "/" from the username!');
return $user;
* Bypass external link redirection
private function unescape_fb_link($content){
return preg_replace_callback('/ href=\"([^"]+)\"/i', function($matches){
if(is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 1) {
$link = $matches[1];
if(strpos($link, '') !== false)
$link = urldecode(extractFromDelimiters($link, '', '&'));
return ' href="' . $link . '"';
}, $content);
* Remove Facebook's tracking code
private function remove_tracking_codes($content){
return preg_replace_callback('/ href=\"([^"]+)\"/i', function($matches){
if(is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 1) {
$link = $matches[1];
if(strpos($link, '') !== false) {
if(strpos($link, '?') !== false) {
$link = substr($link, 0, strpos($link, '?'));
return ' href="' . $link . '"';
}, $content);
* Convert textual representation of emoticons back to ASCII emoticons.
* i.e. "<i><u>smile emoticon</u></i>" => ":)"
private function unescape_fb_emote($content){
return preg_replace_callback('/<i><u>([^ <>]+) ([^<>]+)<\/u><\/i>/i', function($matches){
static $facebook_emoticons = array(
'smile' => ':)',
'frown' => ':(',
'tongue' => ':P',
'grin' => ':D',
'gasp' => ':O',
'wink' => ';)',
'pacman' => ':<',
'grumpy' => '>_<',
'unsure' => ':/',
'cry' => ':\'(',
'kiki' => '^_^',
'glasses' => '8-)',
'sunglasses' => 'B-)',
'heart' => '<3',
'devil' => ']:D',
'angel' => '0:)',
'squint' => '-_-',
'confused' => 'o_O',
'upset' => 'xD',
'colonthree' => ':3',
'like' => '&#x1F44D;');
$len = count($matches);
if ($len > 1)
for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i++)
foreach ($facebook_emoticons as $name => $emote)
if ($matches[$i] === $name)
return $emote;
return $matches[0];
}, $content);
* Returns the captcha message for the given captcha
private function returnCaptchaMessage($captcha) {
// Save form for submitting after getting captcha response
if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
$captcha_fields = array();
foreach ($captcha->find('input, button') as $input) {
$captcha_fields[$input->name] = $input->value;
$_SESSION['captcha_fields'] = $captcha_fields;
$_SESSION['captcha_action'] = $captcha->find('form', 0)->action;
// Show captcha filling form to the viewer, proxying the captcha image
$img = base64_encode(getContents($captcha->find('img', 0)->src));
header('Content-Type: text/html', true, 500);
$message = <<<EOD
<form method="post" action="?{$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}">
<h2>Facebook captcha challenge</h2>
<p>Unfortunately, rss-bridge cannot fetch the requested page.<br />
Facebook wants rss-bridge to resolve the following captcha:</p>
<p><img src="data:image/png;base64,{$img}" /></p>
<p><b>Response:</b> <input name="captcha_response" placeholder="please fill in" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit!" /></p>
* Checks if a capture response was received and tries to load the contents
* @return mixed null if no capture response was received, simplhtmldom document otherwise
private function handleCaptchaResponse() {
if (isset($_POST['captcha_response'])) {
if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE)
if (isset($_SESSION['captcha_fields'], $_SESSION['captcha_action'])) {
$captcha_action = $_SESSION['captcha_action'];
$captcha_fields = $_SESSION['captcha_fields'];
$captcha_fields['captcha_response'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '', $_POST['captcha_response']);
$header = array(
'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Referer: ' . $captcha_action,
'Cookie: noscript=1'
$opts = array(
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($captcha_fields)
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($captcha_action, $header, $opts)
or returnServerError('Failed to submit captcha response back to Facebook');
return $html;
return null;
private function collectUserData(){
$html = $this->handleCaptchaResponse();
// Retrieve page contents
if(is_null($html)) {
$header = array('Accept-Language: ' . getEnv('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'));
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI(), $header)
or returnServerError('No results for this query.');
// Handle captcha form?
$captcha = $html->find('div.captcha_interstitial', 0);
if (!is_null($captcha)) {
// No captcha? We can carry on retrieving page contents :)
// First, we check wether the page is public or not
$loginForm = $html->find('._585r', 0);
if($loginForm != null) {
returnServerError('You must be logged in to view this page. This is not supported by RSS-Bridge.');
$element = $html
if(isset($element)) {
$author = str_replace(' | Facebook', '', $html->find('title#pageTitle', 0)->innertext);
$profilePic = $html->find('meta[property="og:image"]', 0)->content;
$this->authorName = $author;
foreach($element->children() as $cell) {
// Manage summary posts
if(strpos($cell->class, '_3xaf') !== false) {
$posts = $cell->children();
} else {
$posts = array($cell);
// Optionally skip reviews
&& !is_null($cell->find('#review_composer_container', 0))) {
foreach($posts as $post) {
// Check media type
switch($this->getInput('media_type')) {
case 'all': break;
case 'video':
if(empty($post->find('[aria-label=Video]'))) continue 2;
case 'novideo':
if(!empty($post->find('[aria-label=Video]'))) continue 2;
default: break;
$item = array();
if(count($post->find('abbr')) > 0) {
$content = $post->find('.userContentWrapper', 0);
// Remove origin information (i.e. "YOUTUBE.COM") from embedded media
foreach($content->find('._59tj') as $subject) {
$subject->outertext = '';
// Change title tag for embedded media from anchor to paragraph
foreach($content->find('._3n1k') as $subject) {
foreach($subject->find('a') as $anchor) {
$anchor->outertext = '<p>' . $anchor->innertext . '</p>';
$content = preg_replace(
'/(?i)><div class=\"_3dp([^>]+)>(.+?)div\ class=\"[^u]+userContent\"/i',
$content = preg_replace(
'/(?i)><div class=\"_4l5([^>]+)>(.+?)<\/div>/i',
// Remove "SpSonsSoriSsés"
$content = preg_replace(
'/(?iU)<a [^>]+ href="#" role="link" [^>}]+>.+<\/a>/iU',
// Remove html nodes, keep only img, links, basic formatting
$content = strip_tags($content, '<a><img><i><u><br><p>');
$content = $this->unescape_fb_link($content);
// Clean useless html tag properties and fix link closing tags
foreach (array(
'id') as $property_name) {
$content = preg_replace('/ ' . $property_name . '=\"[^"]*\"/i', '', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/<\/a [^>]+>/i', '</a>', $content);
// Restore links in the post before further parsing
$post = defaultLinkTo($post, self::URI);
// Restore links in the content before adding to the item
$content = defaultLinkTo($content, self::URI);
$content = $this->remove_tracking_codes($content);
// Retrieve date of the post
$date = $post->find('abbr')[0];
if(isset($date) && $date->hasAttribute('data-utime')) {
$date = $date->getAttribute('data-utime');
} else {
$date = 0;
// Build title from username and content
$title = $author;
if(strlen($title) > 24)
$title = substr($title, 0, strpos(wordwrap($title, 24), "\n")) . '...';
$title = $title . ' | ' . strip_tags($content);
if(strlen($title) > 64)
$title = substr($title, 0, strpos(wordwrap($title, 64), "\n")) . '...';
$uri = $post->find('abbr')[0]->parent()->getAttribute('href');
if (false !== strpos($uri, '?')) {
$uri = substr($uri, 0, strpos($uri, '?'));
//Build and add final item
$item['uri'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($uri);
$item['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($content);
$item['title'] = $title;
$item['author'] = $author;
$item['timestamp'] = $date;
if(strpos($item['content'], '<img') === false) {
$item['enclosures'] = array($profilePic);
$this->items[] = $item;
#endregion (User)