214 lines
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214 lines
8 KiB
define('MANGAREADER_LIMIT', 10); // The default limit
class MangareaderBridge extends BridgeAbstract{
public function loadMetadatas() {
$this->maintainer = "logmanoriginal";
$this->name = "Mangareader Bridge";
$this->uri = "http://www.mangareader.net";
$this->description = "Returns the latest updates, popular mangas or manga updates (new chapters)";
$this->parameters["Get latest updates"] = array();
$this->parameters["Get popular mangas"] = array(
'Gender Bender'=>'gender-bender',
'Martial Arts'=>'martial-arts',
'One Shot'=>'one-shot',
'School Life'=>'school-life',
'Slice of Life'=>'slice-of-life',
'Super Power'=>'super-power',
'title'=>'Select your category'
$this->parameters["Get manga updates"] = array(
'exampleValue'=>'bleach, umi-no-kishidan',
'title'=>'URL part of desired manga'
'title'=>'Number of items to return [-1 returns all]'
public function collectData(array $param){
$this->request = '';
$type = "latest"; // can be "latest", "popular" or "path". Default is "latest"!
$path = "latest";
if(isset($param['category'])){ // Get popular updates
$type = "popular";
$path = "popular";
if($param['category'] !== "all"){
$path .= "/" . $param['category'];
if(isset($param['path'])){ // Get manga updates
$type = "path";
$path = $param['path'];
if(isset($param['limit']) && $param['limit'] !== ""){ // Get manga updates (optional parameter)
$limit = $param['limit'];
// We'll use the DOM parser for this as it makes navigation easier
$html = file_get_contents("http://www.mangareader.net/" . $path);
$this->returnClientError('Could not receive data for ' . $path . '!');
$doc = new DomDocument;
// Navigate via XPath
$xpath = new DomXPath($doc);
// Build feed based on the context (site updates or manga updates)
if($type === "latest"){
$this->request = 'Latest updates';
// Query each item (consists of Manga + chapters)
$nodes = $xpath->query("//*[@id='latestchapters']/table//td");
foreach ($nodes as $node){
// Query the manga
$manga = $xpath->query("a[@class='chapter']", $node)->item(0);
// Collect the chapters for each Manga
$chapters = $xpath->query("a[@class='chaptersrec']", $node);
if (isset($manga) && $chapters->length >= 1){
$item = new \Item();
$item->uri = 'http://www.mangareader.net' . htmlspecialchars($manga->getAttribute('href'));
$item->title = htmlspecialchars($manga->nodeValue);
// Add each chapter to the feed
$item->content = "";
foreach ($chapters as $chapter){
if($item->content <> ""){
$item->content .= "<br>";
$item->content .= "<a href='http://www.mangareader.net" . htmlspecialchars($chapter->getAttribute('href')) . "'>" . htmlspecialchars($chapter->nodeValue) . "</a>";
$this->items[] = $item;
if($type === "popular"){
$pagetitle = $xpath->query(".//*[@id='bodyalt']/h1")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$this->request = substr($pagetitle, 0, strrpos($pagetitle, " -")); // "Popular mangas for ..."
// Query all mangas
$mangas = $xpath->query("//*[@id='mangaresults']/*[@class='mangaresultitem']");
foreach ($mangas as $manga){
// The thumbnail is encrypted in a css-style...
// format: "background-image:url('<the part which is actually interesting>')"
$mangaimgelement = $xpath->query(".//*[@class='imgsearchresults']", $manga)->item(0)->getAttribute('style');
$thumbnail = substr($mangaimgelement, 22, strlen($mangaimgelement) - 24);
$item = new \Item();
$item->title = htmlspecialchars($xpath->query(".//*[@class='manga_name']//a", $manga)->item(0)->nodeValue);
$item->uri = 'http://www.mangareader.net' . $xpath->query(".//*[@class='manga_name']//a", $manga)->item(0)->getAttribute('href');
$item->author = htmlspecialchars($xpath->query("//*[@class='author_name']", $manga)->item(0)->nodeValue);
$item->chaptercount = $xpath->query(".//*[@class='chapter_count']", $manga)->item(0)->nodeValue;
$item->genre = htmlspecialchars($xpath->query(".//*[@class='manga_genre']", $manga)->item(0)->nodeValue);
$item->content = '<a href="' . $item->uri . '"><img src="' . $thumbnail . '" alt="' . $item->title . '" /></a><p>' . $item->genre . '</p><p>' . $item->chaptercount . '</p>';
$this->items[] = $item;
if($type === "path") {
$this->request = $xpath->query(".//*[@id='mangaproperties']//*[@class='aname']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$query = "(.//*[@id='listing']//tr)[position() > 1]";
if($limit !== -1){
$query = "(.//*[@id='listing']//tr)[position() > 1][position() > last() - " . $limit . "]";
$chapters = $xpath->query($query);
foreach ($chapters as $chapter){
$item = new \Item();
$item->title = htmlspecialchars($xpath->query("td[1]", $chapter)->item(0)->nodeValue);
$item->uri = 'http://www.mangareader.net' . $xpath->query("td[1]/a", $chapter)->item(0)->getAttribute('href');
$item->timestamp = strtotime($xpath->query("td[2]", $chapter)->item(0)->nodeValue);
array_unshift($this->items, $item);
// Return some dummy-data if no content available
if(count($this->items) == 0){
$item = new \Item();
$item->content = "<p>No updates available</p>";
$this->items[] = $item;
public function getName(){
return (!empty($this->request) ? $this->request . ' - ' : '') . 'Mangareader Bridge';
public function getCacheDuration(){
return 10800; // 3 hours