2015-10-08 03:12:00 +03:00

3.1 KiB

mysql_utils for Debian or Other OS

Russian documentation: http://docs.mirocow.com/doku.php?id=mysql:mysql_utils

Backup and Restore data from MySql tables


cd ~
git clone https://github.com/Mirocow/mysql_utils.git
cd mysql_utils

Backup all databases

cd ~
cd mysql_utils
bash backup.sh

Restore for selected date

cd /var/backups/mysql/[some date]
bash ~/mysql_utils/restore.sh

Restore selected DB

cd /var/backups/mysql/[some date]/[some db name]
bash ~/mysql_utils/restore_db.sh

Automation backup with Cron

nano /etc/default/db_backup


nano /etc/cron.daily/db_backup


. /etc/default/db_backup

if [ "$START" = "yes" ]; then
	logger "Start databases backup system..."
	/bin/bash /root/scripts/mysql_utils/backup.sh --e="some_exclude_database some_else_db"

Check work

# tail -f /var/log/syslog
    May 23 12:25:34 db1 logger: BACKUP:   ** Dump tecdoc.2013.ALI_COORD
    May 23 12:25:35 db1 logger: BACKUP:   ** set perm on tecdoc.2013/AL
    May 23 12:25:35 db1 logger: BACKUP:   ** bzip2 tecdoc.2013/ALI_COOR
    May 23 12:25:35 db1 logger: BACKUP:   ** Dump tecdoc.2013.ARTICLES
    May 23 12:25:43 db1 logger: BACKUP:   ** set perm on tecdoc.2013/AR
    May 23 12:25:43 db1 logger: BACKUP:   ** bzip2 tecdoc.2013/ARTICLES
    May 23 12:25:43 db1 logger: BACKUP:   ** Dump tecdoc.2013.ARTICLES_
    May 23 12:25:43 db1 logger: BACKUP:   ** set perm on tecdoc.2013/AR
    May 23 12:25:43 db1 logger: BACKUP:   ** bzip2 tecdoc.2013/ARTICLES
    May 23 12:25:43 db1 logger: BACKUP:   ** Dump tecdoc.2013.ARTICLE_C

Tested on



# bash backup.sh --help
usage: backup.sh options

This script buckup all databases.

Usage: backup.sh <[options]>

   -e= | --exclude=                     Exclude databases
   --exclude-tables=                    Exclude tables
   -c= | --compress=                    Compress with gzip or bzip2
   -v  | --verbose                      Add verbose into output
   -l  | --lifetime=                    Lifetime for dump files
   --config=                            Config file of Debian format
   --dir=                               Backup directory
   -h  | --help                         This text

        backup.sh --verbose --compress=
        backup.sh --verbose --compress=zgip
        backup.sh --verbose --compress=bzip2
        backup.sh --verbose --compress= --exclude="mysql"
        backup.sh --verbose --compress= --exclude="mysql" --lifetime="3 day ago"
        backup.sh --verbose --config="/etc/mysql/debian.cnf" --exclude="mysql" --lifetime="1 day ago"
        backup.sh --verbose --dir="/var/backups/mysql" --config="/etc/mysql/debian.cnf" --exclude="mysql" --lifetime="1 day ago"
        backup.sh --verbose --dir="/home/backups/mysql" --exclude="mysql" --lifetime="1 day ago"
        backup.sh --verbose --dir="/home/backups/mysql" --exclude="mysql" --exclude-tables="tbl_template" --lifetime="1 day ago"