VirtualTam 87f1431247 Fix broken documentation links and list formatting
Signed-off-by: VirtualTam <>
2018-06-26 22:22:33 +02:00

145 lines
5.8 KiB

# [Shaarli]( documentation
The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service.
Do you want to share the links you discover?
Shaarli is a minimalist link sharing service that you can install on your own server.
It is designed to be personal (single-user), fast and handy.
<!-- TODO screenshots -->
Here you can find some info on how to use, configure, tweak and solve problems with your Shaarli.
For general information, read the [README](
If you have any questions or ideas, please join the [chat]( (also reachable via [IRC](, post them in our [general discussion]( or read the current [issues](
If you've found a bug, please create a [new issue](
If you would like a feature added to Shaarli, check the issues labeled [`feature`](, [`enhancement`](, and [`plugin`](
* [GitHub project page](
* [Online documentation]( (this page)
* [Latest Shaarli releases](
* [Changelog](
### Demo
You can use this [public demo instance of Shaarli](
It runs the latest development version of Shaarli and is updated/reset daily.
Login: `demo`; Password: `demo`
<!-- TODO review everything below this point -->
## Features
Shaarli can be used:
- to share, comment and save interesting links and news.
- to bookmark useful/frequent personal links (as private links) and share them between computers.
- as a minimal blog/microblog/writing platform (no character limit).
- as a read-it-later list (for example items tagged `readlater`).
- to draft and save articles/posts/ideas.
- to keep code snippets.
- to keep notes and documentation.
- as a shared clipboard/notepad/pastebin between machines.
- as a todo list.
- to store playlists (e.g. with the `music` or `video` tags).
- to keep extracts/comments from webpages that may disappear.
- to keep track of ongoing discussions (for example items tagged `discussion`).
- [to feed RSS aggregators]( (planets) with specific tags.
- to feed other social networks, blogs... using RSS feeds and external services (, ...).
### Interface
- minimalist design (simple is beautiful)
- ATOM and RSS feeds
- views:
- paginated link list (with image and video thumbnails)
- tag cloud
- picture wall: image and video thumbnails (with lazy loading)
- daily: newspaper-like daily digest
- daily RSS feed
- permalinks for easy reference
- links can be public or private
- thumbnail generation for images and video services
- URL cleanup: automatic removal of `?utm_source=...`, `fb=...`
- extensible through [plugins](
### Tag, view and search your links
- add a custom title and description to archived links
- add tags to classify and search links
- features tag autocompletion, renaming, merging and deletion
- full-text and tag search
### Easy setup
- dead-simple installation: drop the files, open the page
- links are stored in a file
- compact storage
- no database required
- easy backup: simply copy the datastore file
- import and export links as Netscape bookmarks
### Accessibility
- bookmarlet to share links in one click
- support for mobile browsers
- degrades gracefully with Javascript disabled
- easy page customization through HTML/CSS/RainTPL
### Security
- discreet pop-up notification when a new release is available
- bruteforce protection on the login form
- protected against [XSRF]( and session cookie hijacking
<!-- TODO Limitations -->
Easily extensible by any client using the REST API exposed by Shaarli.
See the [API documentation](
## About
### Shaarli community fork
This friendly fork is maintained by the Shaarli community at
This is a community fork of the original [Shaarli]( project by [Sébastien Sauvage](
The original project is currently unmaintained, and the developer [has informed us]( that he would have no time to work on Shaarli in the near future.
The Shaarli community has carried on the work to provide [many
patches]( for
[bug fixes and enhancements](
in this repository, and will keep maintaining the project for the foreseeable
future, while keeping Shaarli simple and efficient.
### Contributing
If you'd like to help, please:
- have a look at the open [issues](
and [pull requests](
- feel free to report bugs (feedback is much appreciated)
- suggest new features and improvements to both code and [documentation](
- propose solutions to existing problems
- submit pull requests :-)
### License
Shaarli is [Free Software]( See
[COPYING]( for a detail
of the contributors and licenses for each individual component. A list of
contributors is available