nodiscc 91a21c2729 **General rewording, proof-reading, deduplication, shortening, reordering, simplification, cleanup/formatting/standardization**
- standardize page names, rework documentation structure, update TOC
- use same example paths everywhere
- level 1 titles on all pages
- fix broken links
- .md suffix on all page links (works both from readthedocs and github repository views)


A full and concise installation guide with examples is a frequent request. The documentation should provide such a guide for basic installation needs, while explaining alternative/advanced configuration at the end. Links to reference guides and documentation should be used more frequently to avoid recommending an outdated or excessively complex configuration.

- server: move most server-related info to, cleanup/shorten
- server: update list of php dependencies/libraries, link to composer.json
- server: installation: support 3 install methods (from release zip, from sources, using docker)
- server: installation: use rsync instead of mv as mv results will change depending of taget directory already existing or not
- server: add example/basic usage of certbot
- server, upgrade, installation: update file permissions setup, use sudo for upgrade operations in webserver document root
- server: apache: add comments to configuration, fix and factorize file permissions setup, set cache-control header, deny access to dotfiles, add missing apache config steps, add http->https redirect example
- server: nginx: refactor nginx configuration, add comments, DO log access to denied/protected files
- server: add links to MDN for x-forwarded-* http headers explanation, cleanup/clarify robots.txt and crawlers section
- server: bump file upload size limit to 100MB we have reports of bookmark exports weighing +40MB - i have a 13MB one here
- server: simplify phpinfo documentation
- server: move backup and restore information to dedicated page
- docker: move all docker docs to, simplify/ docker setup, add docker-compose.yml example, replace docker-101 with docker cheatsheet
- troubleshooting: move all troubleshooting documentation to


- index: add getting started section on index page
- features/usage: move all usage-related documentation to, add links from the main feature list to corresponding usage docs, clarify/reword features list
- shaarli configuration: add note about configuring from web interface


- remove obsolete/orphan images
- remove obsolete shaarchiver example
- remove outdated "decode datastore content" snippet


- development: move development-related docs (static analysis, CI, unit tests, 3rd party libs, link structure/directory, guidelines, security....) to dev/ directory
- development: Merge several pages to
- **Breaking change?:** remove mentions of 'stable' branch, switch to new branch/release model (master=latest commit, release=latest tag)
- **Breaking change?:** refer to base sharing unit as "Shaare" everywhere (TODO: reflect changes in the code?) doc: update featues list/link to for details
- development: directory structure: add note about required file permissions
- .travis-ci.yml: add comments
- .htaccess: add comment
2020-09-12 14:31:45 +02:00

5.5 KiB


The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service.

Do you want to share the links you discover? Shaarli is a minimalist bookmark manager and link sharing service that you can install on your own server. It is designed to be personal (single-user), fast and handy.

Visit the pages in the sidebar to find information on how to setup, use, configure, tweak and troubleshoot Shaarli.


You can use this public demo instance of Shaarli. It runs the latest development version of Shaarli and is updated/reset daily.

Login: demo; Password: demo

Getting started


Shaarli can be used:

  • to share, comment and save interesting links
  • to bookmark useful/frequent links and share them between computers
  • as a minimal blog/microblog/writing platform
  • as a read-it-later/todo list
  • as a notepad to draft and save articles/posts/ideas
  • as a knowledge base to keep notes, documentation and code snippets
  • as a shared clipboard/notepad/pastebin between computers
  • as playlist manager for online media
  • to feed other blogs, aggregators, social networks...
  • Editable URL, title, description, tags, private/public status for all your Shaares
  • Tags to organize your Shaares
  • Search in all fields
  • Unique permalinks for easy reference
  • Paginated Shaares list view (with image and video thumbnails)
  • Tag cloud/list views
  • Picture wall/thumbnails view (with lazy loading)
  • ATOM and RSS feeds (can also be filtered using tags or text search)
  • Daily: newspaper-like daily digest (and daily RSS feed)
  • URL cleanup: automatic removal of ?utm_source=..., fb=... tracking parameters
  • Extensible through plugins
  • Easily extensible by any client using the REST API exposed by Shaarli
  • Bookmarklet and other tools to share links in one click
  • Responsive/support for mobile browsers, degrades gracefully with Javascript disabled

Easy setup


  • Fast! Small datastore file, write-once/read-many, served most of the time from OS disk caches (no disk I/O)
  • Stays fast with even tens of thousands shaares!


  • Shaarli is an alternative to commercial services such as StumbleUpon,, Diigo...
  • The data is yours, import and export it to HTML bookmarksformat compatible with most web browser, and from a variety of formats
  • Shaarli does not send any telemetry/metrics/private information to developers
  • Shaarli is Free and Open-Source software, inspect and change how the program works in the source code
  • Built-in Security features to help you protect your Shaarli instance


This community fork of the original Shaarli project by Sébastien Sauvage (now unmaintained) has carried on the work to provide many patches for bug fixes and enhancements in this repository, and will keep maintaining the project for the foreseeable future, while keeping Shaarli simple and efficient.

The original Shaarli instance is still available here (+25000 shaares!)

Contributing and getting help

Feedback is very appreciated! Feel free to propose solutions to existing problems, help us improve the documentation and translations, and submit pull requests :-)

See Support to get in touch with the Shaarli community.


Shaarli is Free Software. See COPYING for a detail of the contributors and licenses for each individual component. A list of contributors is available here.