
4.1 KiB

A brief guide on getting starting using docker is given in Docker 101. To learn more about user data and how to keep it across versions, please see Upgrade and Migration.

Get and run a Shaarli image

DockerHub repository

The images can be found in the shaarli/shaarli repository.

Available image tags

  • latest: latest branch
  • master: master branch
  • stable: stable branch

The latest, master and stable images rely on:

Additional Dockerfiles are provided for the arm32v7 platform, relying on Alpine armhf images. These images must be built using docker build on an arm32v7 machine or using an emulator such as qemu.

Download from Docker Hub

$ docker pull shaarli/shaarli

latest: Pulling from shaarli/shaarli
32716d9fcddb: Pull complete
84899d045435: Pull complete
4b6ad7444763: Pull complete
e0345ef7a3e0: Pull complete
5c1dd344094f: Pull complete
6422305a200b: Pull complete
7d63f861dbef: Pull complete
3eb97210645c: Pull complete
869319d746ff: Already exists
869319d746ff: Pulling fs layer
902b87aaaec9: Already exists
Digest: sha256:f836b4627b958b3f83f59c332f22f02fcd495ace3056f2be2c4912bd8704cc98
Status: Downloaded newer image for shaarli/shaarli:latest

Create and start a new container from the image

# map the host's :8000 port to the container's :80 port
$ docker create -p 8000:80 shaarli/shaarli

# launch the container in the background
$ docker start d40b7af693d678958adedfb88f87d6ea0237186c23de5c4102a55a8fcb499101

# list active containers
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE            COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS        PORTS                 NAMES
d40b7af693d6  shaarli/shaarli  /usr/bin/supervisor  15 seconds ago  Up 4 seconds>80/tcp  backstabbing_galileo

Stop and destroy a container

$ docker stop backstabbing_galileo  # those docker guys are really rude to physicists!

# check the container is stopped
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE            COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS        PORTS                 NAMES

# list ALL containers
$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
d40b7af693d6        shaarli/shaarli     /usr/bin/supervisor   5 minutes ago       Exited (0) 48 seconds ago                       backstabbing_galileo

# destroy the container
$ docker rm backstabbing_galileo  # let's put an end to these barbarian practices

$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE            COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS        PORTS                 NAMES

Automatic builds

Docker users can start a personal instance from an autobuild image. For example to start a temporary Shaarli at localhost:8000, and keep session data (config, storage):

MY_SHAARLI_VOLUME=$(cd /path/to/shaarli/data/ && pwd -P)
docker run -ti --rm \
         -p 8000:80 \
         -v $MY_SHAARLI_VOLUME:/var/www/shaarli/data \

Volumes and data persistence

Data can be persisted by using volumes. Volumes allow to keep your data when renewing and/or updating container images:

# Create data volumes
$ docker volume create shaarli-data
$ docker volume create shaarli-cache

# Create and start a Shaarli container using these volumes to persist data
$ docker create \
    --name shaarli \
    -v shaarli-cache:/var/www/shaarli/cache \
    -v shaarli-data:/var/www/shaarli/data \
    -p 8000:80 \
$ docker start shaarli