nodiscc 91a21c2729 **General rewording, proof-reading, deduplication, shortening, reordering, simplification, cleanup/formatting/standardization**
- standardize page names, rework documentation structure, update TOC
- use same example paths everywhere
- level 1 titles on all pages
- fix broken links
- .md suffix on all page links (works both from readthedocs and github repository views)


A full and concise installation guide with examples is a frequent request. The documentation should provide such a guide for basic installation needs, while explaining alternative/advanced configuration at the end. Links to reference guides and documentation should be used more frequently to avoid recommending an outdated or excessively complex configuration.

- server: move most server-related info to, cleanup/shorten
- server: update list of php dependencies/libraries, link to composer.json
- server: installation: support 3 install methods (from release zip, from sources, using docker)
- server: installation: use rsync instead of mv as mv results will change depending of taget directory already existing or not
- server: add example/basic usage of certbot
- server, upgrade, installation: update file permissions setup, use sudo for upgrade operations in webserver document root
- server: apache: add comments to configuration, fix and factorize file permissions setup, set cache-control header, deny access to dotfiles, add missing apache config steps, add http->https redirect example
- server: nginx: refactor nginx configuration, add comments, DO log access to denied/protected files
- server: add links to MDN for x-forwarded-* http headers explanation, cleanup/clarify robots.txt and crawlers section
- server: bump file upload size limit to 100MB we have reports of bookmark exports weighing +40MB - i have a 13MB one here
- server: simplify phpinfo documentation
- server: move backup and restore information to dedicated page
- docker: move all docker docs to, simplify/ docker setup, add docker-compose.yml example, replace docker-101 with docker cheatsheet
- troubleshooting: move all troubleshooting documentation to


- index: add getting started section on index page
- features/usage: move all usage-related documentation to, add links from the main feature list to corresponding usage docs, clarify/reword features list
- shaarli configuration: add note about configuring from web interface


- remove obsolete/orphan images
- remove obsolete shaarchiver example
- remove outdated "decode datastore content" snippet


- development: move development-related docs (static analysis, CI, unit tests, 3rd party libs, link structure/directory, guidelines, security....) to dev/ directory
- development: Merge several pages to
- **Breaking change?:** remove mentions of 'stable' branch, switch to new branch/release model (master=latest commit, release=latest tag)
- **Breaking change?:** refer to base sharing unit as "Shaare" everywhere (TODO: reflect changes in the code?) doc: update featues list/link to for details
- development: directory structure: add note about required file permissions
- .travis-ci.yml: add comments
- .htaccess: add comment
2020-09-12 14:31:45 +02:00

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# <img src="images/icon.png" width="20px" height="20px"> Shaarli
The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service.
Do you want to share the links you discover? Shaarli is a minimalist bookmark manager and link sharing service that you can install on your own server. It is designed to be personal (single-user), fast and handy.
Visit the pages in the sidebar to find information on how to setup, use, configure, tweak and troubleshoot Shaarli.
* [GitHub project page](
* [Documentation](
* [Changelog](
[![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](](
## Demo
You can use this [public demo instance of Shaarli](
It runs the latest development version of Shaarli and is updated/reset daily.
Login: `demo`; Password: `demo`
## Getting started
- [Configure your server](
- [Install Shaarli](
- Or install Shaarli using [Docker](
## Features
Shaarli can be used:
- to share, comment and save interesting links
- to bookmark useful/frequent links and share them between computers
- as a minimal blog/microblog/writing platform
- as a read-it-later/todo list
- as a notepad to draft and save articles/posts/ideas
- as a knowledge base to keep notes, documentation and code snippets
- as a shared clipboard/notepad/pastebin between computers
- as playlist manager for online media
- to feed other blogs, aggregators, social networks...
### Edit, view and search your links
- Editable URL, title, description, tags, private/public status for all your [Shaares](
- [Tags]( to organize your Shaares
- [Search]( in all fields
- Unique [permalinks]( for easy reference
- Paginated Shaares list view (with image and video thumbnails)
- [Tag cloud/list](Usage#tag-cloud) views
- [Picture wall](Usage#picture-wall)/thumbnails view (with lazy loading)
- [ATOM and RSS feeds]( (can also be filtered using tags or text search)
- [Daily]( newspaper-like daily digest (and daily RSS feed)
- URL cleanup: automatic removal of `?utm_source=...`, `fb=...` tracking parameters
- Extensible through [plugins](
- Easily extensible by any client using the [REST API]( exposed by Shaarli
- Bookmarklet and [other tools]( to share links in one click
- Responsive/support for mobile browsers, degrades gracefully with Javascript disabled
### Easy setup
- Dead-simple [installation]( drop the files on your server, open the page
- Shaares are stored in a file (no database required, easy [backup](
- [Configurable]( from dialog and configuration file
- Extensible through third-party [plugins and themes](
### Fast
- Fast! Small datastore file, write-once/read-many, served most of the time from OS disk caches (no disk I/O)
- Stays fast with even tens of thousands shaares!
### Self-hosted
- Shaarli is an alternative to commercial services such as StumbleUpon,, Diigo...
- The data is yours, [import and export](Usage#import-export) it to HTML bookmarksformat compatible with most web browser, and from a variety of formats
- Shaarli does not send any telemetry/metrics/private information to developers
- Shaarli is Free and Open-Source software, inspect and change how the program works in the [source code](
- Built-in [Security](dev/ features to help you protect your Shaarli instance
## About
This [community fork]( of the original [Shaarli]( project by [Sébastien Sauvage]( (now [unmaintained]( has carried on the work to provide [many patches]( for [bug fixes and enhancements]( in this repository, and will keep maintaining the project for the foreseeable future, while keeping Shaarli simple and efficient.
The original Shaarli instance is still available [here]( (+25000 shaares!)
### Contributing and getting help
Feedback is very appreciated! Feel free to propose solutions to existing problems, help us improve the documentation and translations, and submit pull requests :-)
See [Support]( to get in touch with the Shaarli community.
### License
Shaarli is [Free Software]( See
[COPYING]( for a detail
of the contributors and licenses for each individual component. A list of
contributors is available