* sync current wiki (https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/wiki) to the doc/ directory * fix missing logo in README * add link to local documentation in the page footer * add Makefile targets for doc generation by @virtualtam
37 lines
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37 lines
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- [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
- [Add the sharing button (_bookmarklet_) to your browser](#add-the-sharing-button-_bookmarklet_-to-your-browser)
- [Share links using the _bookmarklet_](#share-links-using-the-_bookmarklet_)
- [Other usage examples](#other-usage-examples)
- [Using Shaarli as a blog, notepad, pastebin...](#using-shaarli-as-a-blog-notepad-pastebin)
- [RSS Feeds or Picture Wall for a specific search/tag](#rss-feeds-or-picture-wall-for-a-specific-searchtag)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Main data/options.php file](#main-dataoptionsphp-file)
- [Changing theme](#changing-theme)
- [Backup](#backup)
- [Login bruteforce protection](#login-bruteforce-protection)
- [List of all login attempts](#list-of-all-login-attempts)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [I forgot my password !](#i-forgot-my-password-)
- [Exporting from Diigo](#exporting-from-diigo)
- [Importing from SemanticScuttle](#importing-from-semanticscuttle)
- [Importing from Mister Wong](#importing-from-mister-wong)
- [Hosting problems](#hosting-problems)
- [Dates are not properly formatted](#dates-are-not-properly-formatted)
- [Problems on CentOS servers](#problems-on-centos-servers)
- [My session expires ! I can't stay logged in](#my-session-expires--i-cant-stay-logged-in)
- [`Sessions do not seem to work correctly on your server`](#sessions-do-not-seem-to-work-correctly-on-your-server)
- [pubsubhubbub support](#pubsubhubbub-support)
- [Notes](#notes)
- [Various hacks](#various-hacks)
- [Changing timestamp for a link](#changing-timestamp-for-a-link)
- [Related software](#related-software)
- [Other links](#other-links)
- [FAQ](#faq)
- [Why did you create Shaarli ?](#why-did-you-create-shaarli-)
- [Why use Shaarli and not Delicious/Diigo ?](#why-use-shaarli-and-not-deliciousdiigo-)
- [What does Shaarli mean ?](#what-does-shaarli-mean-)
- [Technical details](#technical-details)
- [Directory structure](#directory-structure)
- [Why not use a real database ? Files are slow !](#why-not-use-a-real-database--files-are-slow-)
- [Wiki - TODO](#wiki---todo) |