2020-01-06 14:23:12 +01:00

36 lines
943 B

layout: default
permalink: engine/file-extensions/
title: File extensions
File extensions
Plates does not enforce a specific template file extension. By default it assumes `.php`. This file extension is automatically appended to your template names when rendered. You are welcome to change the default extension using one of the following methods.
## Constructor method
~~~ php
// Create new engine and set the default file extension to ".tpl"
$template = new League\Plates\Engine('/path/to/templates', 'tpl');
## Setter method
~~~ php
// Sets the default file extension to ".tpl" after engine instantiation
## Manually assign
If you prefer to manually set the file extension, simply set the default file extension to `null`.
~~~ php
// Disable automatic file extensions
// Render template
echo $templates->render('home.php');